A question from Tony for Ziva

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A/N: Another TIVA oneshot. I love this couple, and JIBBS obviously. I guess you readers can already guess what this story is about so I'm going to let you read, enjoy Angels.

He's always known he wanted to be her husband, he's loved her from the minute he laid his green eyes on her in 2005. He's had the ring for years but never found the right moment or had the courage to ask her what he's always wanted to ask her.

Until now.

When she called him and asked him to take Tali into hiding he didn't know what to think,he had no idea if his soulmate, the mother of his, their, daughter, his better half, would be okay but he knew he had to stay strong for Tali.

She's wearing a green dress, similar to the one she wore on their first undercover op as assassins in 2005 a month after Kate had been shot and killed. They're on their way back from dinner, Tali is staying the night with her Pop Pop. "You look amazing tonight." Tony says as he takes her hand in his, Ziva smiles as she squeezes his hand. "Thank you, Tony, you don't look too bad yourself." Ziva replies as they enter their apartment. Tony shakes his head: he's wearing a suit that she handed him with a bat of her brown eyes. Tony closes the door before cupping her beautiful face in his hands and kisses her deeply, leading her to their bedroom, leaving a trail of clothes in their wake.

Ziva lays her head on his naked chest, trying to catch her breath. She feels his finger trace patterns up and down her back. A kiss drops to her hair. "I love you, Ziva." Tony whispers to her even though it's just the two of them. Since their reunion not even a week ago, not a day has gone by without the words 'I love you' being spoken between the two of them.

"I love you, too, Tony." Ziva says softly. She does love him, of course she loves him, she loves him with her entire body, if she's ever uncertain of anything, her love for Tony is not an uncertainty for her.

"I have a question for you." Tony says. Ziva stays silent while he asks his question.

"Will you marry me?" He asks, Ziva looks up at the love of her life with a gasp:

Tony has a ring box that holds a big diamond engagement ring.

"Yes, Tony." Ziva says before kissing him deeply which ignites another round of lovemaking.

Tony places the ring on Ziva's finger and kisses her again.

He can't wait to marry her.

A/N: Another TIVA oneshot, I have two more JIBBS one shots to finish writing before I start back on a my neglected stories, hope you enjoy, Angels.

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