Meet Mitsuba

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(A/N) hey guys! This is my 3rd book! (altho I'm counting it as my second ngl) anyway just wanted to say this is all going to be told from Mitsuba's POV, anyway have a good year and comment advice <33)


      I looked into the mirror and saw a nervous boy with pink hair staring back. "Today's your first day at a new school," I told myself. "You've got this!" The boy in the mirror didn't look like he 'got this' at all. I walked down my hall and out of my door, "Bye Grandma," I quietly called as I left, knowing that she was still asleep.

The walk to school was terrible, ever since mom died and I moved in with grandma, my life has just been one shitty event after another, and today it was school. I walked along the neighborhood sidewalk for about a quarter of a mile before the road opened up into a pleasant and scenic country road. At the end of the road, in the distance, I could see my three story school.

Once I finally got there, I walked up to the front office and asked for my schedule from the office ladies. "Here you go," said a particularly old and grey-haired office lady, handing me a small sheet of paper. I thanked her and then left the office to head to my first class. Once I got there, I scanned the room for empty seats, not wanting to be noticed, but failed almost instantly when the professor quieted the class to introduce me.

"Everyone, meet our new student, he has come here all the way from Tokyo just to learn with us, please treat him with kindness and respect on his first day." Realizing that the professor never said my name, I quietly added "I'm Mitsuba Sousuke; you can call me Mitsuba though,"

"What did you say your name was? You were mumbling," A boy in the second row with golden hair said.

I blushed a little, he was cute, but it was mostly out of embarrassment. "I'm Mitsuba."

"Oh! hi Mitsuba!" The boy said, energetically waving his hand at me, "I'm Kou Minamoto, but just call me Kou." I smiled weakly, and told him I would, before the teacher told me to go sit in front of Kou so that he could help me through the day, I gladly did, and the lesson finally started.


After the lesson was finally over, it was time for lunch. "Hey Kou, can you take me to the lunch room, please?" I asked, "I have no clue where it is." "Sure!" Kou said happily, taking my hand and leading me down a series of hallways. The whole way there he talked to me, but since I was zoning out, I didn't hear him.

'I don't like him, I just met him, but he's cute, and seems like he wants to be friends, maybe I should just try to be friends, maybe even best friends, but I definitely shouldn't be thinking about a relationship, I just met him, and I'm straight anyway, right? Maybe bi.' All that combined with Kou holding my hand, had my heart racing.

"Hey Sousuke, you listening?" Kou asked cautiously, tilting his head slightly to one side. "Oh, yeah, sorry what were you saying?" Kou laughed me off, "Oh I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my house after school today, 'cuz you're new and all."

I thought about it for a second, and then told him I would have to ask my grandma. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. A second later, she picked up on the other end. "What is it, Mitsuba, sweetie?" she asked. "Hey, I know it's my first day here and all, but I've already made a friend here, and he wants to know if I can come over after school today, just to study." Grandma got quiet for a second while she was thinking about it, but eventually said that it was okay.

After I got off the phone with my grandma, Kou apprehensively waited for my answer. "She said it was okay," I told him, smiling. Kou jumped in the air, "Yes!" He exclaimed happily jumping up. "I can't wait to have you over!"

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