Minamoto Mansion

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The school day couldn't end fast enough. Kou took me down the the cafeteria, and we ate together and talked about all the fun stuff we could do together at his house, but as soon as lunch was done, the day seemed to get a whole lot more dull.

I didn't have any more classes with Kou for the rest of the day, so even classes I normally would have enjoyed, such as art, were made boring by the lack of a certain special boy with beautiful golden hair and an equally beautiful personality.

Eventually though, with a lot of impatient praying to whatever school-related gods would listen, the school day finally ended. The bell rang, and I launched myself from my seat and was the first one out of my classroom door. I probably made record time for getting to a locker on the other side of the school.

I shoved my camera into my backpack and slammed my locker shut, that's all I needed. I was never one for homework. Some kids glanced or glared at me for the ruckus I was causing from their spots throughout the hallway, but I just gave them all my award-winning stink eye.

I bounced through the hallway and made it outside quickly, before happily sitting down on a nearby bench under some trees and pulling out my phone.

I quickly texted my gramma a short question.

Mitsuba: so, what time do you want me back by?

I waited impatiently as my grandmother slowly typed out her reply. Finally, my phone dinged with a notification. But, it wasn't from her. It was from Kou.

Kou: Where r u Suba? I can't find u anywhereeeeeee

Mitsuba: your grammar sucks.

Mitsuba: out front waiting for you. Also, how th did you get my number??

Kou: uh- I promise I'm not a creep, but I sorta found it in your files from first block, and... Copied it down to put in my phone?

Mitsuba: pedophile!! Traffic-safety-earring-wearing pedophile!!

Kou started to type something  back, but my grandma finally replied, so I ignored his response to see what my grandma had to say.

Gramma: By 7, dear, so you get home before supper gets cold

I sent her a thumbs up emoji, and then turned my phone off and put it in my back pocket. I then took out my camera (god I love my camera) and went through the day's photos. Some birds, sunrises, and nature pics. I kept scrolling through them though, there was one particular photo I was looking for.

"Eureka!" I shouted as a found it. It was a single picture of Kou. Behind him was a beautiful sky of blues, pinks, and even some random splotches of orange. He was doing one of those adorable closed-eye smiles he always seems to do, and his arms were out wide. He didn't realize I took it on the way to lunch. Maybe I could get some more of him this afternoon, if the sun set while I was there, that is.

Speaking of Kou, he finally burst through the front doors, followed by a large crowd of other middle schoolers. His face was slightly pink, and he had on the world's biggest smile. He looked so goofy it was almost cute. Almost. No shame.

"Hey! What took you so long, doofus?" I asked, standing up and tucking my camera back in my bag.

"Middle schoolers are a whole new kind of rabid species!" He explained, throwing his arms around. "But, its not important! Let's go to my house and have the time of our lives!" He said, pumping his fists in the air before grabbing my wrist and dragging me up.

"My house isn't too far from here, maybe a 10 minute walk or so. But, I find that the saying 'time flies when you're having fun' is pretty damn accurate. We'll be there in no time." Kou rambled, throwing his arm around me, and taking me down a small path with lots of leaves littering it, even in early December.

Lo and behold, Kou was right. The walk to his neighborhood was fast. Another thing I noticed though, besides the way Kou blushes when he talks to much, is that his neighborhood is RICH.

"Kou!" I say, smacking him playfully on the shoulder as he talks, which manages to get him to stop. "You didn't tell me you were rich!"

Kou blushes a little and smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck with one of his hands. "Well, you didn't ask! But, yeah, I guess my family does make a fair bit of money, what with our line of work and all." I'm about to ask him more about it, but he turns into a long driveway, leading to a house I can't see past all of the twists and turns and trees. But once I can, my jaw drops.

"YOU'RE. FUCKING. RICH." I say, trying (and failing) to pick up my jaw and be nonchalant. "how much did this house cost? A million? Two million?"

Kou laughs, but its clear he doesn't find it that funny. "24 million," he sighs, turning to me. "But its not like I really care about how much it costs. I'm not snobby."

I'm at a loss for words, but Kou always has something to add, it seems. "Welcome to the Minamoto Mansion!" He says grandly, gesturing dramatically and twirling his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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