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(a matt sturniolo fanfiction)

@ceystole ✐


the front door creeks as marlene pushes on it, elora follows behind her although her head lay towards the ground and her hoodie covered her head.

"marlene, is that you?" a high pitched voice yells out. "why are you back, school started at eight its only like nine."

marlene lets out a little chuckle, "well! ha- funny story actually."

"what the fuck did you do." sandra walks out from the kitchen and sees elora beside her daughter.

"did you not check your phone MOM."

"no..i'm guessing i should have."

marlene looks her mom straight in the eyes then gives her 'the look', sandra instantly knew what was going on. "el baby are you alright?" sandra walks over and throws her arm over eloras shoulders while guiding her to the sofa infront of them.

no response.

"your dad? layla?"

elora let out a sigh, "both."

she layed her head on sandras shoulder as a single tear ran down her face. she felt like a burden sometimes but marlene and her mom always would let her in if she wanted and they both knew when elora was having one of those days. which was most days but it didn't matter to the winters family, elora was like family to them.

"right!" sandra said enthusiastically trying to stop the awkward silence that filled the room, "anyone want a hot chocolate?"

"ME!" sandra stood up and looked at her daughter as she cocks her eyebrow. "oh yeah. um, me." she repeated less loud this time before her head turned to elora who was still sitting on the sofa curled up.

"elora how about you honey?"

"i'm okay, thank you though."

sasha looked at the girl, even know she was looking at the back of her head she could sense that she was tearing up. she's known and has basically been a mother figure for the girl for fourteen years.

a couple hours passed and marlene got her hot chocolate, elora had fallen asleep on the sofa and sandra was doing some work in her room.

marlene put down the remote and rolled her eyes, there was nothing good to watch at all and she didn't want to wake up elora because she knew she barely got any sleep last night so she pulled out her phone.

𝗘𝗟𝗢𝗥𝗔, matt sturniolo.Where stories live. Discover now