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(a chris sturniolo fanfiction)

@ceystole ✐

"matt can you focus PLEASE?" nick walks over to his brother and snatches his phone.

"bro what the fuck."

"we are filming and you have been on your phone for most of the video." nick looks at matt then back to the camera whilst he puts the phone on the counter.

the triplets and alahna were filming a youtube video, 'try not to laugh' and matt had been too busy being stuck to his phone the whole time. every so often chris or alahna would try and peek over at his phone to see what was keeping him so occupied but they failed to see.

chris was getting bored at this point and him and alahna decided to try and annoy him, "don't worry guys next video matt wont be stuck to his phone, hes probably talking to his girlfriend or something!"

"what the fuck chris?" matt pushed him and moved next to alahna instead, "guys i dont have a girlfriend, chris is just stupid"

chris and alahna looked at each other and let out a chuckle because they knew it would piss him off,

"sureeeeeeeeee.." chris rolled his eyes.

(after the video was filmed)

alahna stretched herself out on chris' bed and nick laid next to her,

"what has matt actually been looking at, im so curious"

nick ran a hand through his hair and turned to her, "no clue, chris?"


alahna rolled her eyes, "someone go find out then."

chris stood up from his chair so quickly he nearly lost balance, "i will!"

he walked out of the room determined to find out, he had already thought of a 'great' plan how to get his phone. as he made his way past matts room he took a deep breath, he then proceeded to pretend to throw himself down the stairs but actually ended up falling down.


matt came running out of his room, curious of what the loud bang was. then he saw his brother who was laying on the stairs in a position that looked as if he had broken something.

"what the fuck happened to you?" matt tried to avoid stepping on chris as he walked down the stairs.

"i fell obviously?" chris said with a 'duh' look on his face.

matt shook his head, "how did you even manage this honestly."

"I DONT KNOW. go get me an ice pack pleaseee."

"fine, stay here and dont move."

chris lifted up his head and smiled, "okay!"

he in fact did not 'not move', the second matt was down the stairs fully he got up and ran sprinted to matts room. he saw the phone on matts bed and instead of looking there and then he thought bringing it to his room would be a better idea.


alahna and nick both were laughing before chris erupted into the room and flung himself onto his bed crushing them both.

"chris what the fuck are you doing." nick adjusted himself so chris could sit in-between him and alahna.

"i got the phone!"

"wait what happened to your head?" alahna grabbed chris' face inspecting the large bruise that was appearing.

"um. i might've took my plan a bit too seriously but its fine, i still got the phone."

nick and alahna glanced at each other until nick ended up just shrugging.

"okay.." alahna lifted herself so she was now sitting, "open the phone then."

"well i dont know the password," chris rolled his eyes.

nick leaned over to chris and tucked some of his hair into his hood, "try now?"

chris gasped so dramatically, "NO WAY THAT WORKED."

"okay hurry up he will be looking for his phone soon." nick said whilst clapping his hands so his point was gotten across.

"okay...." chris squinted at the screen, both alahna and nicks head basically on his shoulder trying to get a closer look, the app left up was instagram so he decided to focus on there.

"WAIT!" nick pointed at the screen.

"oh my god is that marlenes account?" alahna threw her hand over her mouth.

"hold on.." chris raised his eyebrow as if he was working out some sort of crazy investigation. his face then dropped, "HE LIKES MARLENE?!"

alahna and nick gasped then both shook their heads in sync, "no chris, look at her recent post."

"ok. what about it?" chris was still in disbelief at the news he believed he had just discovered.

"look!" alahna scrolled until a photo of elora popped up.

"im still confused. thats just elora?"

"oh my god. he wasnt looking at marlene, he was looking at elora the whole time."

"right..." chris' hand was now on his chin trying to figure out what alahna was implying, "OH MY GOD, so marlene was right - he was staring at elora?!"

alahna let out another long sigh and laid herself back down, "yeah."

"WOAH, i thought marlene was just saying that to piss off layla."

the three all laid back in chris' bed, all thinking about matt but mostly elora.

"WHERE IS MY PHONE?" matt burst into the room throwing the ice pack at chris looking a mix of angry and disappointed.

"ooh hey matt!" chris tried to play it off and threw him a slight smile.

"shut up." matt found his phone next to chris and picked it up before he quickly left the room.


ok i hate this one sorry



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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