Close Call || Star Wars

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Din Djarin x f!reader
•• Din loses consciousness during a dogfight, forcing you to take control and pilot the Crest out of danger

You felt your stomach drop as Din pushed the Crest into another lurching dive. Your eyes tried to navigate the vibrating dashboard full of buttons and flashing switches until the Crest suddenly pivoted again, throwing you against the side of your chair.

Wincing at the pain that flared up in your hip, you quickly straightened yourself and scanned the dashboard again.

"We can't take another hit, Din! Do something!" you shouted over the tremors that rattled the entire cockpit. The Crest was a few good hits away from becoming a debris field and you weren't about to go down with it.

"I'm working on it!" Din growled. He gripped the controls with both hands, ignoring the growing stain of crimson on his side for the time being.

The two of you were in this mess because of the weapons crate currently sitting in the cargo bay. It was a highly valued target, which meant you weren't the only ones after it. Things got dicey on the ground and Din had been badly wounded, but neither of you could afford to stop and apply first aid.

Not while the competition was trying to shoot you out of the sky.

Grogu seemed to be the only one thoroughly enjoying the joyride. You could hear his squeals of excitement over the thoom thoom thoom of your pursuer's guns. He was blissfully unaware of the danger, making you wish you could be as carefree as him.

The Crest shuddered as a blast grazed the plating of the right engine, only inches away from a direct hit. You flipped a few switches as various alarms rang in your ears and cursed under your breath.

"We are going to lose an engine if you don't get us out of here!" you shouted at Din, the stress starting to get to you.

When you received no reply, you looked up and saw Din leaning slightly to the left in the pilot's chair, his head lolling off to the side.

"Din?" you called to him.

Right as his name left your mouth, he slumped over and pulled the controls with him. The Crest suddenly jerked to the left and fell into a dive towards the ground.

"Fuck!" you screamed as you scrambled to grab onto something. "Din! Din, wake up!"

It was no use. The blood loss had finally gotten to him and now he was plummeting all three of you to your death. On top of that, you were still being chased.

Your stomach felt like it was being lifted into your chest as you struggled to prevent yourself from flying into the back of the cockpit. You could see the ground coming closer and closer once the Crest broke through the cloud cover. If you didn't do something now, you'd soon be nothing more than a charred mess.

Clenching your jaw, you pushed yourself up from your chair and grabbed onto the dashboard, using it to anchor yourself until you reached the pilot's chair. You tried to pull Din out of the chair, but the force on his body was too strong and he was too heavy. Instead, you resorted to shoving him aside. You practically had to sit on his lap so that you could pry his hands off and take control.

A strained cry escaped as you pulled up on the controls with all of your might, your muscles straining with the effort. The Crest groaned under the stress and began to lurch upwards.

Your pursuer was caught off guard by the sudden move, having thought you were going to smash into the ground. Now he was in your sights instead of the other way around. Once you had steadied the Crest, you primed the guns and wasted no time firing them until one blast struck home, blowing the other ship to smithereens.

"Yes!" you cried out of both joy and relief.

With the danger gone, you piloted the Crest up into space and punched in the coordinates of your destination so you could make the jump to hyperspace as quickly as possible. You needed that time to tend to Din.

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