chapter 3

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Time passed, and the safe zone continued to flourish under Mason and Lucy's leadership. The bustling streets, the laughter of children, and the shared sense of purpose were a testament to their resilience. But as life carried on, the threats of the outside world were never far from their minds.

One day, as Mason and Lucy went about their responsibilities, a sense of unease settled over Lucy. Her movements were slightly off, her thoughts distracted. It had been a routine day, but something felt different.

As the sun began to set, Lucy joined Mason by the fire, her smile forced as she attempted to mask the turmoil within her. Mason, ever observant, looked at her with concern. "Is something bothering you?"

Lucy shook her head, her gaze avoiding his. "Just tired, I guess. It's been a long day."

Mason's concern deepened, but he didn't press the matter. He knew that Lucy was strong, and if she wanted to share, she would.

The days that followed were marked by Lucy's attempts to hide the changes taking place within her. She continued to carry out her responsibilities, to provide guidance to the community, and to support Mason in their shared leadership. But the fatigue was becoming more pronounced, and her movements had become slower, more deliberate.

Mason couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in Lucy's behavior. He watched her from a distance, concern etched on his features. He knew that something was wrong, but he also understood that Lucy might not be ready to reveal it.

One evening, as the two of them stood on the rooftop, gazing out at the city beyond the safe zone's walls, Lucy's strength seemed to waver. She stumbled slightly, catching herself against the ledge. Mason rushed to her side, his worry evident in his voice. "Lucy, are you okay?"

Lucy forced a smile, though it was clear that the effort was taking a toll. "Just a bit lightheaded. I'll be fine."

Mason's gaze was unwavering, his concern for her wellbeing evident. "You've always been honest with me, Lucy. If something's wrong, you can tell me."

Lucy's resolve faltered, and she looked away, her eyes clouded with a mixture of fear and desperation. She had always been a pillar of strength, a symbol of hope for the community. The thought of revealing her vulnerability was almost too much to bear.

"I promise, I'll tell you everything soon," Lucy finally admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mason's hand gently cupped her cheek, his touch reassuring. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be here to listen."

As the days passed, Lucy's condition continued to deteriorate. She struggled to hide the pain that now consumed her, her movements becoming more labored. The weight of her secret pressed down on her, and each passing moment was a reminder that her time might be running out.

One evening, Lucy found herself alone in her room, the dim light casting shadows on the walls. She sat on the edge of her bed, her breathing shallow and uneven. With a trembling hand, she pulled back the sleeve of her shirt, revealing a deep bite mark on her forearm.

Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes as she stared at the wound. She had been bitten during a skirmish with the creatures that still roamed the outskirts of the city. She had hoped that the infection wouldn't take hold, that she could keep it hidden and protect the community she had helped build.

But the reality was undeniable – the infection was spreading, and she could no longer conceal it. The thought of the pain and devastation her revelation might cause was almost too much to bear.

As Lucy sat there, alone in the darkness, she knew that she had to face the truth. She had to confide in Mason, to let him know what was happening before it was too late. With a heavy heart, she wiped away her tears and made a decision – the next morning, she would reveal her secret, no matter the consequences.

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