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The taxi pulled up to the Chankimha's house around 5pm.

Freen exhausted and nearly delirious from the stress of finals-paid the driver, grabbed her bags and dragged them up to the front door.

Part of her just wanted to leave them on the porch.

The thought of lugging them upstairs to her room was too difficult for her to wrap her head around.

She paused for a minute to prepare for the bombardment of questions from her mom.

That's when she heard the front door slam at the house next to hers.

She looked over and saw a girl about her age carrying a workout bag and a soccer ball and tossing them into a car.

She was in baggy sweats and a hoodie with the hood pulled up over her head.

Freen didn't have the best view of her, but couldn't pull her eyes away.

As if sensing she was being watched, the girl looked up at Freen.

She gave her a quick nod before getting into her car and driving off.

Freen nodded back, but it was way too late before she even registered the girl had acknowledged her.

She smiled at her own foolishness and opened the front door.

"Mom?" She swung the front door open and immediately felt at home with the smell of pancakes hitting her nose.

"Freen?" Amy Chankimha appeared from the kitchen holding a spatula.

"You're home!" She wrapped her daughter in a hug and helped bring her bags inside the house.

"Breakfast for dinner?" Freen asked excitedly.

"Your favorite" confirmed Amy, as she headed back into the kitchen to flip the last pancake.

"I know you're probably tired. So we'll have a quick dinner and I'll only grill you for a few minutes before you can get settled in. We do have all summer to catch up, after all.
When I'm not at the hospital, that is." Freen nodded and went through her bags trying to find her phone.

"Have you talked to Nam yet? You know, she was looking forward to seeing you."

Amy was just finishing adding the syrup to the pancakes.

"Not yet. I'll text her tomorrow. When Tee gets back, we'll probably all go out. Tonight, I just need sleep." Freen sat down as Amy placed the pancakes on the table.

She immediately shoved as much as she could into her mouth. She had forgotten to eat this morning and was just now reminded of how much she loved her mom's pancakes.

"So, anything new and exciting going on around here?" asked Freen, with her mouth full.

"Simply stunning, Freen." Her mom had to laugh at how ill-mannered her child was being.

"What?" Freen shoved even more in her mouth.

"I wath juth athking a
Questhion" Amy laughed.

"No, not much since christmas. We got new neighbors, though. I've said hi a few times. They seem nice, but they kind of keep to themselves for the most part and they don't seem to be home too often.
I think they have a daughter around your age or someone visiting. I only just saw her last week."

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