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"Freen." Becky panted her girlfriend's name as her eyes clenched shut, unable to control her body because of the things Freen was doing to it.

"Fuck." Her breathing sped up when she opened her eyes again and watched the girl on top of her grind against her.

Freen was clad only in her bra and underwear, but had somehow managed to get Becky completely naked. Becky had no idea how it even happened.

"We have to stop." Becky could barely even speak at this point.

"Okay" replied Freen, who showed no signs of stopping.
Becky was losing her mind just from feeling how wet Freen was. Her panties were soaked. She could feel the evidence on her stomach. She watched as Freen got herself more and more worked up.

"We...fuck...we have dinner reservations," Becky protested.
Freen nodded.

"Okay." But she didn't slow her movements at all and Becky was starting to lose her willpower.

She grabbed Freen's hips and pulled her down closer, raising her own hips to match Freen's rhythm. She knew she was fighting a losing battle.

"Shit, you're so hot." Becky husked.

"But babe, we're going to miss dinner."

"Becky?" This time, her protests finally worked. Freen stopped and Becky immediately regretted it. The blonde looked at her quizzically. She swallowed thickly.


"You leave to go back to Columbia in twelve hours. You're naked underneath me. I'm nearly naked on top of you. And I have every intention of making you scream my name so you can remember how well I fucked you while you're
Thinking about me every night during soccer training camp. And you're concerned about making our dinner reservations?" Becky bit her lower lip and looked up at her girlfriend.

"Well, when you put it that way, I sound like shit crazy." She leaned up and rested on her elbows.

"But I had a really romantic night planned." Freen leaned down and kissed along her jawline.

"This isn't romantic?" Becky's eyes fluttered as she indulged in the feeling of Freen's lips on her skin.

"This is everything. I just...I wanted tonight to be special."
Freen started grinding against her once more.

"This isn't special?" Becky groaned and started putting her hands all over Freen.

"It's definitely the most special thing on the planet at this moment. But I had the whole night planned out." Freen shrugged.

"Plans change. You can wine and dine me when I get back to New York. But tonight, I refuse to let you out of this bed." Becky swallowed hard at the implication and finally relented.

"You're the boss." Freen smiled down at her.

"Right now, I am."

"So what was this about me screaming your name and making me think of you every night for the next two weeks?"

"We'll miss our reservations," teased Freen.

"Fuck the reservations."

She stared up at her girlfriend in awe as deep blue eyes turned a darker shade and looked upon Becky in the most seductive, predatory way. And her throat went completely dry as she watched Freen reach behind her back and remove her bra. Her mouth hung open as she stared unabashedly at Freen's glorious breasts.

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