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Mmm..Freen, you really don’t have to do this.”

“Something tells me you’re enjoying it by the way you’ve been moaning for the last twenty minutes.”

“Well, you have magic hands.”
Freen giggled.

No, actually, that would be you.” Becky sighed.

“Why are you so good to me?”

“Because you deserve it. And I know you’re nervous about your game tomorrow.”

“I'm not nervous.”

“Yes you are. I can tell how tense you are in your shoulders.” Becky hummed.

Well, then I suppose you should work your way up from my lower back to work on my shoulders then…you know..if you want to.” Becky was lying comfortably on her stomach completely topless with her head resting on her arms as Freen was straddling her hips, in her pajamas, trying to massage the knots out of her girlfriend’s back. Becky had been complaining about her back hurting since her last practice and she had been talking more and more about how tough the defense is on the team she was playing tomorrow.

Freen wanted to help her girlfriend relax and get her mind off of it. She smiled at Becky’s request and moved her hands up to her shoulders, gently kneading her tense muscles as the girl beneath her sighed contentedly at the feeling.

You’re really cute.”

“Kind of.” Becky buried her face in her arms.

Why? Because I’m putty in your hands?”

“Well, I’ve never been spoiled like this before. I think you’re gonna ruin me for any other woman. ”

“Good. Then my plan is working,” Teased Freen.

Becky moved her arms down to her sides as she rested her head directly on the sheet of the bed.

Are you sure Clairé won’t walk in?”

“I'm sure. I told you, she’s visiting Nam this weekend.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot. My girlfriend, the matchmaker.”
Freen moved her thumbs over Becky’s neck, trying to work out the kinks.

Hey, I didn’t set them up. They kind of found each other. I think Irin’s more of the matchmaker for them than I am.”

“True. Either way, they make a cute couple. It must be hard for them to do the long distance thing.”

“Well, it’s only been a few weeks since they got together. That night of the halloween party. And they’ve already seen each other every weekend, so I don’t think it’s been too bad for them so far”

Becky closed her eyes and moaned as Freen’s hands moved down towards her shoulder blades. Freen loved it. She loved that her hands could elicit that kind of reaction from Becky. She loved the way her girlfriend’s skin felt against her hands. But most importantly, she loved taking care of Becky. And she had a feeling her girlfriend wasn’t exactly used to this kind of pampering. She leaned down and kissed Becky’s shoulder, then down her back.

I really love you, Bec.” Becky reached around to grab Freen’s arm and tugged at it. Freen took the hint and laid down next to her on her side with her elbow propping up her head. She gazed dreamily at her and caught the glimpse of a blush high on
Becky’s cheeks.

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