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In class*

Lisa pov

I wonder why unnie wants to be friends with those nerds..huff..we entered in class after we got our keys of locker

"looks like we have new students introduce yourself" Ms. Lim said

"hello everyone i am rosé and i hope we get along"Unnie introduced herself

"hello i am lisa" I said being uninterested

"ok go rosé you sit there and lisa you sit on that seat " Ms. Lim said and my expression changed
I sighed and went to my seat and read my benchmates name and it was..."Jennie!!"

"ok so students open page 52......"
Ms. Lim started to teach and i never had any interest..


All the prince got ready and headed downstair for royal breakfast...

"Good morning dad and mom"
They all greeted and sat on their respective seats

"I talked to king of ecstasy he sid that he gave you opportunity to find the princesses"king said in his deep voice although he is not like typical kings who are so serious and rough and tough type

"yes dad" jk replied

"Then why are you here why u aren't finding them"
King asked

"dad we have send our cousins there they said if they get any info they will tell us and then we'll go" v replied

"Your highness there's a letter for princes"
She gave the letter and bowed then left

      *In letter*
"Jin,jk,jimin and v we have reached seoul as its the famous for its school and i am sure they can be here in seoul....

We are going to start with schools as i am sure they will be in school ...

But i am sure you know abt prophecy do u still want to find them...

-Your cousins


*In the Room*

"How can we even forget abt that prophecy"Jin said

"hyung but if we didnt find them then you already know what will happen.."V said

"what should we do..?"
Jk said

"lets find them we know abt prophecy and we will tell elders too" Jimin said

"Good idea..."Jin said with happiness

"woah jimin you said smthing good for first time" V said making joke of Jimin

On the other side*

"nayeon who's those new students"
Irene asked

"Idk but i think they know jennie and jisunnie" I replied (basically she know abt jennie having sisters)

"oh..But where r they" irene sighed while we were waiting for them

"we're here" jennie said waving her hands

"Jisunnie...! Where were you why werent u in class in first period" Nayeon said excitingly totally ignoring jen

"you are finally here " irene said

While there was someone standing getting totally ignored

To be continue....


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