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*that evening*

Jisoo's pov

Me and jin were walking towards the school to check on v and Jennie as it was late

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Me and jin were walking towards the school to check on v and Jennie as it was late...

"When will we be able to reveal our relationship.... Other students are already  spreading rumors" jin said while leaning his head on my shoulder

"OK OK let's do it " I replied with a warm smile and he looked in excitement towards me

When jin looked towards school...I looked back too and Jennie and Taehyung they were quite unlike other days, so we went towards them

"what happened Jennie" I asked in concern as I could see a wound on her face

"she is not in state of telling you should take her home" v said

" What did you did V" I asked in a little angry tone

"He didn't  did anything unnie" Jennie spoke in a little frustrated tone yet weak

"what!? " I said being confused

"jisoo you should take her with you.." Jin said looking towards me

"yes I'll go then bye " I said and held Jennie's hand

"bye take care" jin and V said from behind

Lisa's  pov

We were waiting for Jennie Unnie and jisoo Unnie while watching TV

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We were waiting for Jennie Unnie and jisoo Unnie while watching TV.. When bell ranged ...

"rosé go check who is at door" I said ordering her

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