nine. the last day of summer

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— the last day of summer

The Mist was an unusual and magical thing

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The Mist was an unusual and magical thing. It was truly amazing how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their own version of reality.

The cops believed Rory, and soon the media had gotten a hold of her story. The LA Times reported on the explosion that set off a wave of fire from a bullet to a gas tank. Witnesses from the Greyhound in New Jersey came out and backed up Rory, claiming that they now remembered seeing Ares with the kids — "Why didn't I remember him before?"

As the four stood on the Santa Monica Pier, tired and bruised, news reporters surrounded them, buying every word that Rory fed them. They played up the victimized-kids-act for the cameras.

"All I want," Percy spoke to no less than four camera crews, choking back fake tears, "is to see my loving stepfather again. Every time I saw him on TV, calling me a delinquent punk, I knew... somehow... we would be okay. And I know he'll want to reward each and every person in this beautiful city of Los Angeles with a free major appliance from his store. Here's the phone number."

In her exhaustion, Rory couldn't even stop herself from laughing, which she quickly covered up with a dramatic wail since she was in the background of the news.

The police and reporters were so moved by their story that they passed around a hat and raised money for four tickets on the next plane to New York.

They had no choice but to fly. They had to get back to Olympus tonight. Rory just hoped Zeus would understand that they were helping him and decide not strike them right out of the sky.

Both Rory and Percy had never flown before, so it was a pretty rough flight for everyone — on top of the threat of Zeus killing them. Takeoff was a nightmare. Every spot of turbulence was scarier than a Greek monster. Percy didn't unclench his hands from the armrests until they touched down safely at LaGuardia. Rory was the same, except — unfortunately for Annabeth — she was gripping on to the blonde's hand.

But they got free pretzels... that was nice.

The local press was waiting for them outside security, but they managed to evade them thanks to Annabeth, who lured them away in her invisible Yankees cap, shouting, "They're over by the frozen yogurt! Come on!" and then rejoined her friends at baggage claim.

They walked outside to the taxi stand.

"You guys go back to camp," Percy told the three. "Let Chiron know what happened. I'll go to Olympus."

Almost immediately, Grover and Annabeth started protesting. Rory was too tired and too on edge after the plane ride.

She looked at Percy, ignoring the others. "We're not going to change your mind are we?"

He shook his head. That was that.

They let Percy take the next cab that pulled up to the curb — his destination was a little more urgent. Twenty minutes later, Rory, Annabeth, and Grover were on the road on the way to Camp Half-Blood.

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