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kiania let out a yawn, trotting down the stairs, wearing just one of neymar's shirts. even though it was noon, she'd just woken up. still, she woke up with the warm glow of the sun, letting it be the only thing to warm her up since neymar wasn't in bed with her. she called his name, but it just echoed throughout the house, no other voice echoing back to her. she frowned. kiania never liked waking up to an empty house. it always happened when she'd slept through the mornings he had training, and when she'd wake up, he'd be gone. 

she paused at the bottom of the stairs, running her hands as best she could through her knotted hair. pulling at it and looking down at it, she hummed, deciding that she'd get a haircut at some point, not liking the fact it was getting too long, almost dropping down way further than her shoulder blades. 

squinting her eyes, she raised her hands above her head, stretching. as she did so, the front door swung open, but instead of it being neymar, it was gil. his eyes met hers, before glancing down at what was on show with her raised arms. she dropped her arms quicker than she could even register what was going on, cheeks reddening at what he might've saw. 

"hi, gil." she smiled awkwardly, and he smiled back at her the same.

"hi, kia." he cleared his throat, glancing away from her, "i didn't– uhm– i didn't see anything."

she let out a breathy laugh, "sorry. i'm sorry, i didn't know."

he nodded. before he could fully walk inside or say anything, neymar was barging past him, heading straight for the stairs, but when he saw who he was looking for stood at the bottom step, he paused, a happy grin lighting up his face.

"i was about to come see you." he stood before her, wrapping his arms around her waist. since she was stood on the step, she was slightly taller, so he didn't have to lean down. he pulled her lips to his, tugging her close to him.

after he pulled away from her, she let her arms rest around his shoulders, "that was really aggressive. you nearly knocked him over– gil, are you okay?"

gil waved a hand, "i'm fine. he does it all the time."

her jaw dropped slightly, looking back at neymar, "that's mean."

"i was coming to see you." he defended himself, but the expression on her face didn't change, "i was– okay, gil, i'm sorry."

gil chuckled, walking into the living room, the rest of neymar's friends following from behind him. kiania hadn't seem them at first, so it confused her when they popped out of nowhere, but she gave them waves as they walked in.

neymar let out a breath, looking down at her clothes. he smiled to himself, running his hands over her sides, "you comfy in that, anjo?"

she giggled, tightening her hold on him, pulling herself closer to him, "i've just woke up. i was coming to find you."

"hm, i can tell you've just woke up. look at your hair." he laughed, brushing thick curls out of her face, "you look pretty."

"thank you." she smiled, kissing his cheek.

he pressed his lips to hers again, in a soft, gentle kiss. she was as he left her the night before, cherry red kiss-stained lips, pink and purple splotches dotted over her neck, the only thing being different being the fact that she was wearing something.

"are you coming with us? we got some food, we're thinking of just chilling out." he ran his hands over her sides again, down to her thighs, before moving them up her shirt – or his shirt – to rest on her ass. he squeezed, making her squeal, pushing herself further into his chest. he grinned proudly.

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