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A week has passed since Kali had hidden in a vent and she was able to leave the wretched city that would kill her. She has now arrived in Southern Kazimierz.

During the week she traveled to this city, Kali thought it was better if she did not look like a beggar so she made clothes that she had before being sent here. placing her dirty clothes inside a backpack she had made. the only thing that made her look poor was her haggard and dirty look. unfortunately she was not able to find any body of water to take a bath in.

Entering the village, She finds most of the people looking at her with pity. To her, they look more interesting as most of the people she's met have black rocks forming in their bodies. be it visible from their clothing or not.

"Kali is surprised to find a city that resembled Brandenburgh. Kali thought the city from before was Brandenburgh. . . Maybe Brandenburgh split in two?"

Continuing her stroll, She casually makes ice cream to eat as snacks.  

Unknown to her, someone seemed to have taken an interest in the little girl.


1:29 PM

"Are you sure we're at the right place?" 

"Awww are you worried that big sis got us lost?"

Walking along the streets of Kazimierz were two operators that came from Rhodes Island.

"I just wanted to make sure that the package we're gonna deliver is going to the right place Franka. I was never worried about being lost. We can just ask the people around if they knew the location of the address if we went to the wrong place."

One of them said to the woman named 'Franka'.

"Of course Lisky~~ Have some faith in your Big sis here~!!"

'Franka' said to her partner.

"Stop it with that dumb nickname."

The other girl said with a hint of red floating under her eyes.

"Haaaahh~~ I miss the little one. She was so adorable~!!"

She then went on to complain about how Blacksteel partnering with Rhodes Island stopped them from being able to go to Laterano to check on their favorite kid every 3 weeks, and that being sent to Rhodes limits the chances she could find her and possibly take care of her.

Her partner then sighed in dejection. She also missed the little child dearly but she does not want to show it. She clearly favored the child, bringing sweets they find in a nearby shop under the pretense of 'Snacks on the way back to Blacksteel.' only to then feed it to the kid.

"You know. . . "

'Franka' looked at her partner.

"Now that I think about it, Does she not look like Director Kal'tsit?" 

Hearing the observation, 'Franka' narrowed her eyes. 

"What are you on about??? Don't you see the contrast between the Director and the kid? It's practically night and day!"

Hearing the rebuttal, Her partner sighs.

"Hey can you stop sighing? Big sister is gonna get worried that bad luck might make it's way towards us."

'Franka' complained.

"Then let's find the address already so we can head back to Rhodes island before Trouble even forms."

Continuing their merry way, They finally deliver the parcel and received the payment. Now that their work was finished, They made their way to their transport only to be cut off by a motorcycle, clearly speeding through the streets. a few seconds later, a jeep followed in pursuit of the criminal.

"And there comes the trouble." The vouivre said.

"Let's leave already Liskarm. I want to stare at the photo I have in our dorm!" 

'Liskarm' sighs once more as she gets dragged by her hyperactive and teasing partner.

"Alright- Stop pulling me! I'll trip on my feet!"

Southern Kazimierz

1:46 PM

Kali looked around the area noticing how many people in armor were walking around with their weapons as well.

"Kali needs to rest. . ."

After walking for more than 8 hours, She finally took a break. her feet finally throbbing from the pain and tiredness.

Making a water bottle, she opens it and pours it on her bare feet after removing her socks and shoes.

"Kali feels good washing her feet."

Taking out one of her dirty clothes out of the backpack, she shakes her feet dry before wiping the excess water left on her feet. after that, she puts on her socks to not get her feet dirty.



Putting on shoes, she stands up and packs her stuff before slinging her backpack on her back.

"Kali should keep going now."

Walking forward and towards the other side of the street, She does not notice the speeding vehicle coming her way.

The civilians around could only gasp and look terrified of what would happen to the young and innocent child.


Hearing a call from behind, she turns around but catches sight of the speeding vehicle.

Not caring about the vehicle, she continued walking to the other side before she could get hit. before she could take another step though, She was scooped up from the streets since the Motorcycle was a few seconds away from hitting her. Feeling this, she closed her eyes shut.



The nearby civilians ran away from the accident as they fear getting hit by the speeding vehicle.

Another sound of screeching tires were hears as doors opened and closed. footsteps were heard as well. although that was happening, Kali was being brought somewhere else. completely away from the eyes of the city's police enforcers.

Feeling herself bouncing up and down, She looked at her 'Abductor' and found that a Red haired woman was taking her somewhere.

"Are you fine little one?" The girl glanced at her 'baggage.

"Kali is fine."

Still processing what is happening, the little kitten continued to stare off to who knows where as the girl carrying her turns on a corner and went to a secret bunker. after all, she could not afford getting sabotaged when the Kazimierz major is about to happen.

*knock knock*

The sound of metal resonated.

"Who is it?"

Another woman's voice can be heard.

"It's me, Sona. Let me in, I've got somebody with me. If they find us, they might take her."

A few seconds later, The door opened as the two people outside went in and closed the door.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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