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The first thing I do is grab Ansel and sit him on the bed. What the hell is he doing here?! I walk out of the room and go into the kitchen. I lean against the counter and take a deep breath. How did he find me? As questions race through my mind I grab a bag of frozen peas from the freezer and walk back into the room.

"Here," I say handing them to him.

"Thanks," he says half smiling.

"Ansel, what are you doing here?" I ask immediately, beginning to pace in front of him.

"Can I get a glass of water please?" He asks slightly smiling. I roll my eyes and walk out of the room again. I go to the sink and fill a cup. When I come back in the room he is taking off his shirt.

"Ya know, I don't want to get my shirt wet," he says chuckling slightly. I set the glass down and look at the top of his back where I hit him. It's a huge spot, already beginning to turn a yellowish color. I slightly touch it and he winces.

"You've got one hell of a swing Ill tell you that," he says laughing and handing me the peas. I grab them and sit on the bed behind him. I lightly place them over the spot.

"I'm sorry about that. I wasn't expecting any visitors," I say quietly.

"I tried calling you, but it seems as though your phone has been off..." he says and I can already tell that there is a smirk on his face. I push down on the bruise and he immediately jumps up.

"Ow what the hell Sam?!" He says attempting to look over his shoulder to see where I hit him. I throw the bag at him and he catches it and places it over his shoulder. I let out a long sigh and place my head in my hands.

"I'm not trying to play games with you Ansel. What are you doing here?" I ask looking up at him.

"I think the real question is what are you doing here?" He says giving me a cold glare.

"I left so I could be away from you. So if you don't mind leaving," I say walking out of the room. I walk out the back door and walk down to the edge of the dock on the lake. I place my elbows on the railing and just stare out at the water. After about 5 minutes I hear footsteps behind me.

"If you're not going to tell me why you came then I suggest you leave," I say not even looking back at him.

"You're lucky I didn't let Dylan have the honor of coming here," He says walking up besides me.

"You know, you sound just like him right now," I say looking at him slightly.

"This was a dumb idea Sam and I know you know that. There was no point in me coming here just to tell you everything is okay and to just come home. I'm not here to make you do anything," he responds.

"Then why are you here?" I ask turning to him completely.

"I'm here so you realize how over dramatic you're being," he says and I let out a sarcastic laugh and begin to walk back down the dock. Ansel immediately grabs my arm.

"Cameron told me what happened," he says and I stop completely. He drops his hand and I turn to look at him.

"I'm sorry. I should've trusted you," he says looking at me and then at the ground. I let out a sigh and lean against the railing.

"I came here because I just needed a break. I wasn't planning on staying here long. How did you even know where I was though?" I ask looking up at him.

"It took us a little bit but then Ashley had this like flash from the past thing and called one of the neighbors around here to see if a car was in the drive way," he says smiling slightly.

"I'm sure my mom was freaking out," I respond laughing slightly.

"She knows you can take care of yourself," he says smiling at me.

"And about Cameron-"

"It doesn't matter Sam. He made a mistake and he owned up to it," he responds. I just nod and smile slightly.

"I'm glad you're the one who came though. I kind of liked the whole bad cop thing," I say laughing.

"I made sure I was the one to talk to you first," he says smiling and tucking my hair behind my ear.

"I guess I should pack then. It's probably time to face the wrath of my mother."

"You actually don't have to do that quite yet," he says pulling my waist towards him and leaning against the railing.

"What are you talking about?" I ask looking up at him.

"Your mom actually called in to school and said there was a family emergency and you wouldn't be back at school until Wednesday."

"Wow I'm going to be grounded for a long time," I say resting my head on his chest and looking out at the water.

"On the bright side, we have all of today and then all of tomorrow before you have to be home. I think she wanted to give us time alone together. She really is great."

"Don't go falling in love with my mom," I say lifting my head from his chest and giving him a fake glare.

"Ah yes, this all a huge hoax just to get closer to your mom," he responds with a smirk.

"How did you get out of school for today and tomorrow anyways?"

"I just told my dad to call me in. He understood why I wanted to come."

"Well then how about we go make some lunch and I guess I'll finally turn my phone back on and talk to the people that I have been so dearly avoiding. You should also get something cold back on your shoulder," I say laughing. I begin walking back down the dock a little and then stop and turn to him. I hold out my hand to him. He smiles at me and takes my hand and then pulls me into him and kisses me. I smile against his lips and his arm tightens around me.

"I've missed you," he says against my ear.

Hey guys I know this chapter was short but I actually didn't want to end it quite yet. But please check out my new story. I have the first chapter done. If anybody is really good at creating the pictures for these stories please let me know because I have a temporary pic for my new story right now but I want to change it. Thanks!

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