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Word Count: 1982


I stalk into my room, leaning my back against the closed door.

Ugh. What a miserable day.

Breakfast consisted of Vade giving me the cold shoulder, and when I went to ask him to spend the day helping me go over some flashbacks I've been having, he brushed me off and disappeared.

At this point, I think I need to take a hint and leave him alone.

Sighing through my nose, I push off the door, dragging my feet to the bed. I was cornered by Roel, who spent the entire day stuffing history down my throat. I now know everything about all the King's and Queen's that came before me.

Something shifts on my desk. The breeze coming through my window lifts it up, causing it to drift down to the floor.

Frowning, I stoop down to pick up the piece of paper, folding it open.


Meet me in the gardens this evening. Midnight.


A shiver rolls through me. Emerick wants to see me again.


I get through dinner without much fuss and excuse myself to my room early. It's not the best idea, because I spend the next couple of hours pacing back and forth, waiting until the house settles so I can sneak out.

It's colder tonight, the bitter air slipping beneath the collar of my coat, chilling my skin.

Picking my way around the house, I stalk into the garden, glancing over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure I'm not being followed. I'm guided only by moonlight as I weave between the hedges, careful to avoid brushing up against any rose bushes.

I find Emerick sitting on the bench, his long legs stretched out in front of him.

He turns to look at me, dark eyes roving over my person. Something shifts in his expression, like he still can't believe I'm real, that I'm alive.

"This feels very forbidden," I whisper, my breath fogging up in front of me as I sit down next to him.

Meeting him like this, in the dark, away from any guards or safety is dangerous. And yet, a thrilling feeling has settled in me. He could be here to kill me, but I've been dead before.

What's the harm in one more time?

"This is forbidden, Avila." He shifts his body to face me. "But doesn't it excite you?"

"I suppose. I don't want Vade to see, though," I say, looking warily back at the sprawling manor. At this hour, it looks haunting. Moonlight drenches the walls, but it's the shadows that accompany it that give off the creepy vibe.

When I look back at Emerick, he is frowning a little.

"Why not?"

"He hates me enough," I remind him. "If he knew I were seeing a strange man behind his back, he might even give up his right to be King just to get away from me."

Upsetting Vade is the last thing I want. He doesn't deserve to be lied to, although at this point, I'm struggling to see why he would care. He clearly thinks little of me.

"That sounds ideal."

Emerick leans back on the bench, stretching his arms out, his hand brushing against my back. I stiffen, swallowing thickly.

"It's not ideal. I actually like Vade." I brush my damp palms over my covered thighs.

Emerick shakes his head. "You shouldn't. There is nothing good about him."

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