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Word Count: 1925


I take my seat in front of the desk, wiping my damp palms over my clothed thighs.

"Well, this is an interesting situation isn't it?"

The man on the other side of the desk is yet another unfamiliar face. He arrived this morning, and with his presence came a shift in Crimson's behaviour. She strolled downstairs wearing more clothes than I've ever seen on her body with a necklace shaped like angel wings.

It didn't take me long to realise this man represents the Angel's through the church, and is here to consult with Vade and I before our wedding.

"We appreciate your discretion with Avila. She isn't ready to come out to the public just yet," Vade exclaims.

The minister rests his forearms on the desk, smiling at me. "Of course. Your mother informed me that you have lost your memory, so we must conduct this pre-wedding interview again."

The amount of traditions around here is frankly ridiculous.

"We've done this before?" I glance at Vade.

He looks incredible this morning. Considering how pure this process is supposed to be, he looks deliciously sinful in all black, his dark hair swept back messily. From this angle, his jaw looks so sharp the Angel's could use it to slice through their dinner.

I doubt the minister would appreciate such a comment if it slipped out...

"Oh yes you have done this before. Hopefully we will not be repeating past events." The minister shifts uncomfortably.

Vade narrows his eyes slightly, conveying something silently to the man.

I look between them sceptically. "What happened?"

It's Vade who explains. "You arrived late and were flippant about the marriage the whole time. Towards the end you claimed you didn't want to marry me and you broke down in frustration."

The silence from the minister feels like enough to condemn us to the Angel's punishment realm itself. It seems no one is used to Vade's bluntness.

I learnt from Roel that this trait developed in Vade after my death.

"Oh...I'm sorry," I say meekly, wishing I could shrink into the fabric of the chair.

"Sorry?" Vade shakes his head, jaw tight. "You don't need to apologise. You were marrying someone you weren't in love with."

I wonder if he's only sympathetic to my feelings now because he too feels that way...

I suppose that's unfair of me to think. Vade isn't upset at me for resisting the marriage, he is upset at me for treating him so poorly in hopes of getting out of it.

The minister clears his throat. "Alright, shall we begin then?"

Facing him fully again, I nod. This is going to be an uncomfortable experience, but it must be done.

"Now, this interview is just for formality to gauge your feelings about your up and coming nuptials. This is tradition in your family, Avila, to ensure that any concerns may be voiced before the ceremony," he explains, adjusting some notes on the desk.


"Is there anything you want your partner to know about you before you proceed with your wedding?" He asks, looking between us. "Avila, why don't you start?"

"Ah, well, I want Vade to know that I'm not who I was before...I got sick. I lost my memory, and now I don't know who I am."

I look at the minister as I talk, although I feel the heat of Vade's stare. If I'm going to go through with this damned process, I'm going to do it properly.

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