chapter two

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I wake up and get ready to go see Jack. I put on a pair of high waisted white shorts, maroon crop top and white converse with my wavy long dirty blonde hair. I walk downstairs and my mom and dad are in the kitchen.

"good morning" I say sitting at the table. I grab eggs and back and put them on the plate that's in front of me. My mom sits in front of me and doesn't make eye contact with me. We all sit quietly at the table while we eat breakfast. My mom finally look at me with her bright blue eyes, the exact color my eyes are.

"honey we need to talk to you now" I put down my fork and show then they have my attention.

"well honey you know me and your dad argue a lot.." I nod my head "well we thought it would be best if we separated" I sit there and stare at her. I couldn't believer the words that just came out of here mouth.

"Like a divorce" I say still staring at her. She nods her head and a tear runs down her cheek.

"we also thought it would be best that I move out and I would take you to move in with grandma and grandpa" My grandparents live about 6 hours away. I feel the more she talks the worse it gets. I stand up and walk out to the porch and sit. I feel my eyes fill with water but tears never come. I sit there for about 5 minutes when I hear someone walk up the steps.

"Caroline?" I look up to see Jack and wipe my tears.

"oh hey Jack you ready to leave?" He looks at me confused but nods his head slowly. We head to his car and get in.

"So were you cr.." He begins to say but I cut him off "so where are we going?" I say pushing my hair behind my ear.

"oh um...i don't know you can pick" I try to think of where to go but start to think about my mom and dad's divorce and me moving away from Jack. What would he do? I am basically his only friend.

"maybe the ice cream shop and than the park?" He suggest. I nod my head.

We get our ice cream, mine strawberry and his rocky road, and then we head to the park. When we arrive at the park we sit under a pavilion that is near the towns lake.

"so why were you on your front steps with your head in your lap?" He brings up this conversation again and now I had no choice put to tell him now.

"oh just tired" or maybe not yet.

"did you fall asleep because your eyes were red?!" He says taking huge scoops of ice cream.

"Uh yea" I say not looking up at him, if I did I knew I would break down crying. I sat there starring at my ice cream.

"so did you hear that Jack J guy got caught with drugs?" I am glad he changes the subject but maybe it should of been a better one.

"really?" I say.

"yea and he did it just because he was depressed about his girlfriend leaving him and again I may say what a man whore" he says doing those crazy hand gestures. I sit there quietly not wanting to talk much and my mind is only still on that one subject.

"your really quiet today shorty, did you stay up late?" My nickname was shorty, well because I am short, 5'2. "yea gonna reply or nah?" Classic Jack making his stupid vine puns. "Are you okay?" I still don't reply because I'm afraid if I open my mouth I will have to tell him. "Seriously Caroline don't be joking, are you okay?" I nod my head and finish my ice cream.

"I'm going to go on a walk around the lake" I stand up, throw my ice cream away and walk toward the lake. I start to walk. I look up and Jack sits there looking at me and he looks sad. I keep walking around the lake and terrible thought pop in my head.

You will be a loner
No one will be there for you
Jack will hate you when you leave
When you leave your will destroy someone

I calapse on the ground and begin to cry. Jack runs down and puts my head on his shoulder.

"Jack I can't do this to you" water comes out of my eyes like a waterfall.

"what do you mean?" I sit up and look into his eyes.

"Jack..I'm moving away to Montana" you might say this is overreacting to just a move but no one understands the true bond me and Jack have. No one.

Bad Boy GilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now