He Had Moved. It Should (Have been) be Alright.

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The day Oikawa has been waiting for the last four years has finally come true. He has moved out of his family home and bought himself a little apartment in Iwate, moving not that far away from his childhood home, but it was enough for him.

The life he had there was rather pathetic, really.

So finally, finally he could call this his home and abandon the hell of a life behind.

"Oh!" he heard from behind "Why what a handsome young man! Would you happen to be Oikawa Toruu, my dear?" Oikawa looked back to see an older woman walking a puppy. He smiled at her "Yes, are you Miss Sakura?"

The woman smiled widely at him, her glasses slipping down her nose, the puppy looking at Oikawa with the biggest eyes "Yes! Yes! Oh how delighted will Yoko-chan be when she hears the new neighbor is such a cute young man!" she exclaimed happily and grasped him by the arm, the puppy following her movement with a curious gaze "Come my dear, let me show you your apartment"

She walked, dragged him along with her, and the puppy followed. She looked rather old, seventy (70) maybe, but held herself with confidence and radiated happiness. A good difference from his past life, he decided. The woman also smelled nice, like lavender. And Oikawa felt very at peace, weirdly.

"Well, honey, I've been waiting the whole day for you to come! Good thing, that, or else I wouldn't have the key on me" she winked and he melted, replying with a smile.

The apartment looked nice. There wasn't much furniture anywhere, really, besides a sofa, a bed and a table with two chairs nested next to a window with a view of the forest next to the building. The woman giggled at his gentle expression and showcased the rooms with much enthusiasm after he put away the box in his arms.

The hallway was small, there was some place for the shoes and a coat rack behind the opened door, that's why he hasn't seen it before. All of the walls were painted in a light hue of blue, with an occasional painting here or there. The hallway led into and open space, the living room with a dark blue couch leaning a wall on the right, a couple of meters before it stood a TV atop a dark mini-sized table. "Now honey, lookie here" she motioned straight, at the kitchen "You get inside from the ballcony, yeah? A bit of a problem, but the design in this room is the most baffling thing, really" 

Which, Oikawa had to say, had to be true. There was an 'L' shaped counter from the left wall to the glass of the balcony with it's own door leading out to it, and he'd have to jump over it if he wanted to get into the kitchen somehow else.

Then she motioned to the left, a light brown door leading to the bathroom, and then the puppy, which was now free of it's leash proudly trotted over to another room, the bedroom. Sakura laughed and followed the dog, Oikawa behind her "Well honey, Donut wanted to show you this himself, I suppose" and calmly stepped away from the door, ushering him in.

Inside was the bed he had caught a glimpse of earlier in it's full, dark blue glory, on it nested white pillows inked with various flowers. The wall on the left presented a night view of the city from a bird perspective, a red arrow pointing at what he could only presume to be the flat he was currently in. What he hadn't saw earlier when walking into the flat was a desk in the far right, although with no chair "The last occupant of this lovely flat had made all these cute changes" the woman said "Really liked paint, that one. She was a decorative soul, really" she said nostalgically "We'd meet on Friday for a tea and gossip, she really made quite a lot changes here. Pity she took all the stuff with her"

Oikawa nodded "Pity" and then asked her, pointing at the left wall "Is that also painted?"

The woman chuckled "No, I'd be even more proud of her work then." while they were talking the pup, Donut had made his way onto the bed, although with much effort, as the bed towered over him. He had started playing with the pillows, the woman gasped "Donut!" she dramaticly walked over to the pup "What have I told you about this, hmm? We leave other people's stuff alone"

She picked him up as Donut looked at her and she stared back at him "I don't care if you're different species, hun, you know that" they shared looks again "Donut! We don't say that about people!" she gasped.

Oikawa giggled "Oh hun, sorry about that." she started, turning "He's a real trouble maker, Yoko-chan predicted it, I should have listened to her" he shrugged and smiled. It was a pretty funny exchange and the dog hasn't done anything wrong, so he was willing to forgive and forget "Don't worry about it Miss"

She beamed "Oh, stop it with the 'miss' honey, we both can see I have aged." she said bashfully placing a hand on her cheek "Oh such a proper young lad you are"

Ehhhh, Oikawa wouldn't say 'proper', actually a whole lot of people wouldn't say that, but who was he to dissaggre with the woman? "Why, thank you" he said with a light bow. They both giggled.

"Alright then, I'll leave you to yourself honey, I'm sure you need rest" she said and made her way out of his apartment.

Oikawa didn't maintain the smile on his face after the door closed. Even the buzzy feeling he had felt earlier started to slowly fade away "Why?" he asked no one "It was silly" followed the question "Really, really silly"

A sigh left Oikawa's lips and he caught hair into his hands "Silly, it was" the grip tightened "Silly. What was silly?" a breath of air "Why did it feel silly of all things?"

He slumped against the door "What are you doing, Toruu? Why does it hurt?"

Oikawa brought his legs up to his chest and breathed slowly, deeply "I don't know"

"Stop, let me live without this"

He was alright. Nothing had happened. He met his landlady, a friendly woman, had a chat, nothing happened.


Oikawa chuckled and stood up.

"Nothing happened"

Nothing happened and should focus on unpacking. Because he lived here now, without them, and he was his own person and she had no authority to say that and-

And he'd unpack.

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