Another Monday, he thought groaning "why can't we have another added to the week?" he said thoughtfully "before Monday that is, maybe we could call it........." he suddenly jumped up from the bed "shit I'm late for class".
Taking a quick shower and dressing up he was out the door in 10.
It took another 20 minutes to get to class and luckily, the Professor wasn't in yet. "Phew thank God, but seriously there has to be another day of the week....... " someone beside him interruptedSonia
"I know right, just before Monday, a day for rest, both physical and mental rest" she put in.
"Exactly,mondays are hell" Dave said
"The worst kind of hell". She replied with a straight face but the amusement noted in her voice gave her away.
"Finally " Dave said throwing his hands in the air "someone who gets me" he let out with a small sigh.
"It can't be that... " she was cut short by the entrance of the professor.
"Good morning class......" and the class went on.......
"You were going to leave without giving me your name? " and here I thought we were soul mates " Dave said with a Chicky smile.
"ah aha....... Soul mates.... ha" returned Sonia chuckling " you believe in that? "
"Sure why not,it can't be mere coincidence we bonding over our hatred for Mondays""It could be just that coincidence, I think more people hate Mondays than you think "
"Could be but not in our case, and stop being so adverse to the idea"
"Alright alright, I'm Sonia"
"Aw Sonia, such a beautiful name for a beautiful lady, pleasure to meet you, I'm Dave"
"We should get coffee sometime " he continued with a sheepish grin "today actually to douse our hatred for Mondays"
"You're such a smooth talker but I don't know I'm....."
"Come on make this Monday worth while "
"Okay fine we can do coffee " she said with a smile.
"YESSSS" Dave said with glee, "I think Mondays won't be bad if we do this every week or would it? He couldn't help but asked
" I don't know, we'll have to see about that" Sonia said with another smile and a whisper for just her ear "smooth talker"
And they definitely did coffee every week till forev............😌
Thank you for giving "How we met" a chance my loves, I promise not to disappoint.. Vote... vote... and comment.
How we met
RandomJust random stories of how couples met. Between battling with writers block join me on this "meet" journey.