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Hey Fans,

 I'm back and updating my stories starting with A Lost Friend! I know that my first try at this story was horrible and I have somewhat approved from that time. Yeah, so I will be updating the other chapters very soon.


"Where is she," Melissa muttered.

It was afterschool and she was waiting for her best friend, Carly, come meet her like always. The school hallways were nearly empty except for the occasional kid going to tutoring or still at their locker. Melissa looked down at her phone: 3:58. She slipped her phone into her back pocket of her shorts and sighed. Thirteen minutes has passed since when Carly was post to meet her by their lockers. Of course, the one day she needed to be home and Carly decided to be late. Just as Melissa was about to head outside, a head of curly dirty blonde hair appeared around a corner.

"You're late," Melissa said as Carly walked closer to her.

"I know, but I had to talk Mr. Oleander about something", she said opening her locker that was two lockers down from Melissa’s. For the first time, Melissa noticed that Carly was smiling. A real smile. Not the fake smile she been wearing for the past month.

"Mr. O," she said like an obsessed fan girl.

Mr. Oleander was their English teacher and every girl thought he's so adorable especially Carly. She has been obsessed with him ever since the first day of school. With his black apple hair, twinkling grey eyes, and his cute smile, Melissa really couldn't blame him. The fact that he's a teacher and he was way too old never fazed Carly. She would sit in the front row during his class wearing really short skirts and revealing tank tops. Which Melissa didn't understand since Carly was beautiful and could've had any boy in this school but she is so convinced that Mr. O will risk everything for her.

"Make fun at me if you must but I know for a fact that he has the same feelings for me," Carly said gathering her textbooks.

“How?” Melissa raised an eyebrow.

“Trust me I know.” Carly winked and flipped her curly hair. She closed her locker and started walking towards the school entrance. Melissa jogged to keep up with Carly.

“Carl, I’m kinda worried about you.” Melissa informed her, pushing open the front entrance. A strong wind hit across their faces as they walked across the quad.

“Why would you be worried?” Carly pulled her arms across her tiny racy-cladded body.

“Well you’re obsessed with a guy that is way too old for you and is honestly out of your league.” Melissa said matter-of-factly.

It took a minute for Melissa to realize that Carly was not beside to her. She looked over her shoulder to see that Carly was standing in the same place with a confused look on her face.

“Out of my league?” Carly pointed at herself.

“Carly, you have a curfew!” Melissa threw up her arms in frustration. Is that all she heard?!?

“So?” Carly shrugged her shoulders.

“So, guys like Mr. O probably don’t want a teenage girl who has to be home by 10 on a weekend.” Melissa said calmly.

“ At least I could get any guy I wanted--” Carly and Melissa’s faces were so close that Melissa could feel Carly’s minty breath blow on her face. “Unless you.” Carly spat.

It felt like Carly slapped her. She knew that Melissa felt like she wasn’t pretty or skinny enough to get a boyfriend. Now she’s using this vulnerable information against her.

“Well at least I’m not a slutty bitch like you” Melissa spat back.

This time Carly really did slap her. Right across the face. Melissa cupped her left cheek in shock. Carly smirked.

“Got anything else to say?” Carly checked her nails to make sure she didn’t break one.

“No.” Melissa said with tears in her eyes, threatening to come out.

“Good and just so we’re clear, we are no longer friends.” Melissa turned around and pushed through the crowd that seemed to have crowded around them.

 Melissa watched Carly walked away without turning around once.

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