𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 || 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐠

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' taurus.. i don't know why you're tripping over jahmeir, he's only a friend, he only invited to me to his birthday dinner, you always doing the most for no reason' you say, looking at him ignoring you

' ain trippin over nothing, he's acting like this, so he can end up fuckin you, then will end your friendship' polo says, playing his game

' wow taurus, i never thought you were like this, jealous of another nigga' you say, running up the stairs towards y'all's bedroom

jahmeir is my bestfriend and has been since elementary school, you've known taurus for a long time and you've been dating for two years, you believe that you've and him are grown enough to talk this out maturely

  everytime you hanged out with other men, that were your friend, taurus would always act weird, you would either argue with taurus about it or ignored

taurus is everything you can ask for, since you and taurus began dating, he never fucked with jahmeir, he wanted you for himself
he always got jealous whenever you would hang out with jahmeir, just for the simple fact that he never wanted to lose you

you wanted taurus to understand that he's my husband, and that you love him, its just not everytime he gets jealous, whenever you go out with other men, that weren't him, especially jahmeir

' i ain trynna be annoying, just stop hanging out with the nigga, then there wont be no issues' taurus says, hearing no response he turns around seeing you not there anymore

taurus walking up the stairs to the bedroom, opening the door to see you, laying on the bed, coming closer, seeing you texting someone

' baby, can we talk about this?' he says, standing infront of you

you annoyed, cause the way he's acting you ignore him, how he ignored you

taurus kissing his teeth, he says, staring you in your eyes with a mad look on his face ' yu acting real dumb, a bitch right now'

you stop messaging your homegirl about how polo's acting, you think to yourself ' who tf does this nigga, think he talking to'

' who tf is you talking to like that? and who tf is you calling a bitch' you ask with attitude, sitting up on the bed

' yu tf, acting all mad over some nigga' polo says, staring down at you, pushing himself against you, pressing his forehead on yours

' get tf out my way' he didn't budge

' taurus get tf out my way' you yelled pushing him

' who da fuck, yu think yu is pushin, aye bring yo ass back here' you hear, as you walk away you heard footsteps

' who yu think yu are putting yo hands on me, is yu stupid?' taurus spoke, grabbing you, turning you around, so your face is facing him

he through you over his shoulder, you couldn't get out of his grip, since he was stronger than you

" taurus, let me fuckin go, i'm not not in the mood to argue with you' you spoke, trying to loosen from his grip, hitting his back, but it wasn't working

' aye chill before i drop yo ass' he said shaking me

"let me fuckin go! why you always gotta pick me up, like im your child, just fucking let me go!' you said, you didn't want to fight or be near taurus, you just wanted for him to let you go

you both finally got to the bedroom, you were still over his shoulder, you gave up on begging for him to let you go, since he wasn't going to let you go anytime soon

taurus threw you on the bed, you looking at him still mad, taurus left you on the bed, he walked towards the door slamming it shut, locking it

𝟲𝟰𝟯 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀
(𝗮/𝗻) - 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝘀 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻!!

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