Chapter 1 - A Long Night

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The pitch void-like blackness was suddenly replaced by the red light given off by flames. They were all around taking every piece of what seemed to be the burning remains of a house. Wooden logs, smaller or bigger were lying all over the floor either already burnt to crisp or on the edge of that. The rooftop of the house was slowly falling apart letting the fire consume it. Smoke in the air was so thick you couldn't see the night sky even though holes in the rooftop would allow you to. The whole scene looked as if you were in Hell, waiting to be taken by the flames just like the house was. And as everything was continuesly falling apart and burning down, a loud hissing noise was heard and everything went pitch black once again.


Shiro suddenly opened his eyes, breathing heavily from the nightmare he has just experienced. It took him a short moment to calm himself down and remember where he was.

Shiro: Right.. Everything's fine. I'm here.

He then raised his right arm and looked at it noticing some faint flames emerging from it. He immedietly put them out.

Shiro: *Man, why do I keep having this same exact dream?*

He stood up and walked over to the edge of the rooftop looking down on the city below. Even though it was night-time the streets were lively as ever.

Shiro: *Well, might as well take a stroll around the city. I doubt I'll be getting any more sleep tonight.*

As he searched around the rooftop for a good spot, he found it and jumped off. The wind immedietly pressed against him from below, fully waking him up.

Shiro: Man, this is great.

He smiled, closing his eyes, enjoying this fresh cold wind blowing all over his face. He watched as the lights coming from the windows on the buildings around him began passing by faster and faster. As he began approaching the lively street below him, Shiro lit his hands up with flames and therefore saved himself from hitting the ground. Using his flames he flew forward above the street, taking a look around the city. It was beatiful, filled with lights that contrasted perfectly with the night sky. The street below him was shining in yellow light as the cars kept coming. The sky on the other hand, filled with glittering starts gave him a sense of freedom. He continued to fly forward enjoying this scene with a slight smile across his face. That's when a loud bang interrupted this peaceful and beautiful scene. Shiro saw a large explosion in the distance which was suppousedly the location of a warehouse. This caused him to stop his "walk" and simply levitate in the air using his flames.

Shiro: An Infernal? *he said with an annoyed voice* Now?

Despite everything, he ignited his hands with another burst of flames and rushed towards the location of the incident. As he approached the scene he noticed many fire trucks, as well as one vehicle belonging to the Special Fire Force.

Shiro: Great. The Fire Force's already here.

He landed on the rooftop of the warehouse and made his way inside through one of the windows on it. He crouched down on a steel bar that worked as a support for the building and observed the situation from the ceiling. There was a group of 5 members of the Fire Force. The priestess, along with four soldiers.

Shiro: *Hm.. Let's see. One of them wears no shoes and has flames emerging from his feet. 3rd generation, that one's for sure. The one wearing glasses is weilding a gun which could potentially mean he's a second generation. But what about the two other ones? The woman doesn't seem to have anything that could hint her generation, same as the man. And I doubt they're powerless either, after all they're doing a job like this.*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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