29 | 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕓𝕠𝕩 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕖𝕤

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"excuse me?" a fragile and gentle voice says behind me and i turn. an old woman with tears staining her fragile skin stands before me. "did you lose someone too?" she says her voice shaking. "uhh." i say wiping my tears and sniffing. "no." i respond. "then why do you cry, dear?" she asks. "just deeply thinking about my surroundings." i say. "who did you lose?" i ask her. "oooh, dear. im might need to sit down for this." the woman says guiding me to a nearby bench. when we sit, she takes a deep, shaky breath. 

"i lost my only son tonight." she says, her eyes watery. "his thoughts and anger and sadness got the best of him." she says with tears streaming down her face and her voice trembling. "jumped off bunker hill bridge...boat saw him do it. he had taped weights to his legs." the woman said now sobbing. i hug her and picture the image of it, i softly cry thinking about it. "im so sorry." i say shakily. the woman continues to cry for about a few minutes until she calms down. "can i ask you a personal question?" i say. "mhm" the woman responds blowing her nose into a tissue. "do you believe in jesus?" "yes." "can i pray for you?" "yes." i place my hand on the woman shoulder and she closes her eyes.

 "god, save this woman from sorrow. save her from anger and frustration. from pain and fear. god, free this woman from stress and give her happiness. lord this beautiful and faithful woman lost her only son tonight, give him life in heaven and free him from his troubles, for they are gone since he stepped through the opening of your golden gates. the mother shall have no sin placed upon her by the devil below, and shall be shielded by the words from the holy bible, god. save her. save him. give them peace. amen." i say and open my eyes to see the woman crying happily. she turns to me and hugs me. "thank you lord for this kind soul!" she says happily. "i have to go now. but i wish you well." i say standing up. "god bless you, my dear." the woman says waving. "you as well!" i say waving back and walking away.

i see the uber waiting on the side of the road for me. i walk up to the car and he rolls down the window. "eliana cooper?" the man said. "yes." i respond. "can i check your ID?" the man said. i pull out my card and show him. "okay." the man said with a thumbs up and a smile. i open the back seat of the car. once i was seated, i buckled up and took a deep breath. ugh. it doesn't smell too great in here.

 "excuse me, sir?" i ask leaning forward. "yes ma'am, what can i do for ya?" the man says glancing at me through the mirror. "what is the scent of that?" i ask pointing to the scent thingy hanging off of the mirror. "pumpkin spice! im an 'all-year-round fall person'. i love the scent of it. brings back memories of when i got to beat up the man my fourth-wife was cheating on me with." the man said with a sigh and a smile as he made his way onto the road. i raised my eyebrows and he looked in the mirror to me.

 "oh! well you might need some backstory!" not really. "alright, one day in october of last year- oh, and my name is charles by the way- i was taking a break from raking the leaves in my backyard. just inside sipping some beer on the couch, you know, as one does, and i head back outside to blow the leaves out of the yard, well i blew away a pile and there they were... you probably didn't need to know that though..." he said as i pressed my lips together and looked out the window trying to erase any knowledge of the past minute.

 "so where did you come in from?" charles said. "boston." i say looking down and picking at my fingers. "ah! really? my stepsister is from boston! though we don't talk about her anymore..." this is the most awkward situation i have ever been in... except for when i shit myself in the pool trying to break the world record of holding my breath for 20 minutes. no idea why i thought i could do that. and it was in SECOND GRADE, okay?!  

"well, my family is from china, though i was born in australia, but raised in china. that's where i met my first-wife! did you know, its a tradition to carry your wife over burning coals in china? i had to do that, and let me just give you some advice, do NOT marry someone heavier than you when your in china. it took me almost 7 minutes to carry her across! i still have scars on my feet! one is shaped like a teddy bear though!" charles said super fast and held up one finger and smiled.

 "neat." i said slowly nodding my head. "my second-wife is from canada, my third-wife is from england, and my most recent wife is from texas! now im lonely...again..." the very talkative man said drooping his head. i can see why... "that sucks." i say. "yeah.. but that reminds me, my new girlfriend! she's the best one i-" he started and i just couldn't take anymore of his weird conversations. "you can drop me off here." i say interrupting him. "but this isn't your house." charles said pulling over. "i can walk. thank you though." i say getting out. i shut the door behind me and he rolls down his window. "stay safe out there! it gets a bit sketchy at night." he said before driving off. great.

i looked around at the familiar, dark, empty streets, and the closed stores i used to shop at, and the small amount of people at nearby restaurants dixie and i's family would go to occasionally. my eyes were brought up to the night sky. dark, but you could still see the clouds as the moon above them illuminated their invisibility. i took a deep breath and wanted to cry with no reason to. just wanted to cry. get feelings out i didn't know i had embedded inside my heart. i don't want anyone here next to me but i feel that i wanted someone. only one person. someone who makes me feel like im gonna be okay. someone that hugs me when i want to be left alone but won't push him away. but, i think that landon might be right for me. maybe. yeah...he is.

elianar0se: in awe at how pretty this is

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elianar0se: in awe at how pretty this is...                    ❤️: 98, 763


user24: could stare at that forever.


^ elianar0se: ur such a child. (but omg where is he!?)

^ landosaurus: part of batman's cape in middle/ bottom right.

^ elianar0se: NO WAY. ITS BATMAN.

user132: i wanna touch a cloud...

^ user8: ME TOO

^ user56: like what does it feel like... like nothing? or like something...?

^ user380: woah dude... that's deep..

saintnick: so pretty

^ user54: ik

merrychristmas: watch out... the furries are out...

^ user434: HAHAHAHAH


^ user98: this boy has my heart bro

matt'n'cheese: it looks like tye-dye

^ user03: fr

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