Willows padded sleep over

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After having an accident and donning the identity Willow for the first time, William continued to occasionally put on a pull-up and skirt while at his aunts, normally when his new friend Molly wanted to play with him and his cousin Mary-jane.
Despite being 14 he had come to get along quite well with his 9 year old cousin and had become close with her friend group.

Then came the invitation to a sleep over.
"Why do I need to go to a sleepover with a bunch of little kids?"
Will shouted, his aunt packing him pja, spare pull-ups and clothes for the next day into a bag for the sleep over.
"Molly is your friend, I know the situation is unusual for most kids your age but we both know you will enjoy it when you get there".
Will did find the time he spends with Molly and MJ a relaxing escape from his normal life but there was going to be people he didn't know at this sleepover, people that could find out his secret.

Arriving at Mollys House was nerve wracking, one night but it could mean the end of everything.
Will had a poney backpack inherited from his little cousin with everything he could need, everything that he could need to pass as a little girl.

Waiting In mollys room for him and his cousin Mj were Lilly and Rosie.
He didn't recognise the two girls but it was clear they were older than his cousin, older than 'willow'. He doubted they wore pull-ups to bed, mj hasn't in a while and last he heard molly was getting close to being out of them, If not already out of them. Here he was wearing pull-ups during the day, older than all of them.

They spent the afternoon playing some board games and watching a few films when lilly suggested truth or dare. Rosie was a bit hesitant along with will but molly mj and lilly instantly jumped at the suggestion leading to the two being outvoted.
"Soo, who's going to be the first to answer truth or dare" lilly asked as in a tone of voice that suggested she was up to something. Will shuffled back in his seat trying to physically distance himself from the question. Mj eyes lighted up excited to take the opportunity "dare, dare, dare" she repeated thrice not even trying to hide her excitement, molly laughed and then shouted "I dare you to drink 5 glasses of water" will couldn't help laughing at how dumb the dare was and how excited she was getting with it, but he was enjoying himself in all the excitement, the 4 others laughed as she drank the glasses one after another, Mj once done said "right, so lilly, truth or dare" lilly laughed and responded "truth, I've got nothing to hide" laughing without even thinking, a mischievously grin apeard on her face, "is it true you kissed a boy in the park?" Lilly went bright red. Will couldn't help but laugh put loud, not at her kissing a boy, but at how serious they were taking it. The daggers shot at him by lilly told him she did not see it that way. Lilly tried playing of cool, her stutters reviled she didn't have the poker skills, "w-what of it, it was very r-romantic, your just j-jelous cause I'm older, more m-mature" the girls responded with a ooooo, and tried getting answers of who it was, but it was only one truth, nore more details needed to be given

As the evening at Molly's sleepover progressed, the truth or dare game took an unexpected turn. Lilly, feeling mischievous, dared someone to pull down Will's pants, a dare that made Will's heart race with anxiety. Reluctantly, he stood up, nervously protesting, "I don't think this is a good idea, guys."

But the group insisted, and before he could react, his pants were down, revealing the pull-up he wore underneath. Will felt a rush of embarrassment and frustration, his cheeks turning crimson. He quickly pulled his pants back up, feeling vulnerable and exposed.

Lilly, realizing that her dare had gone too far, immediately regretted her actions. "I'm so sorry, Willow," she said with genuine remorse. "I didn't mean for it to be like this."

Just when Will thought he couldn't feel any more humiliated, Rosie, one of the other girls, spoke up. "It's okay, Willow," she said softly. "I wear pull-ups too."

Will looked at Rosie in surprise, not expecting this revelation. Molly chimed in, "Yeah, I do too. It's not a big deal."

Suddenly, the embarrassment and shame that had consumed Will began to lift. He realized that he was not alone, that there were others who faced similar challenges, and that his friends were accepting and understanding.

The sleepover continued with a newfound sense of camaraderie and understanding among the group. They played games, shared stories, and supported each other, knowing that they were all in this together. Will learned a valuable lesson that night – that sometimes, our vulnerabilities can bring us closer to others and create bonds of friendship that are stronger than he could have ever imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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