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     Your house keys jingled in your hands as you looked at the door in front of you. "Well?" Heather Chandler looked at you expectingly. 

      Sighing to yourself before turning around and looking at her dead in the eyes. "Something doesn't feel right." You said. She rose an eyebrow. 

      She put a hand on her hip. "You don't have to go. Also, the thing isn't even until later. What're you nervous about?" She asked you. She seemed cocky.

      Frowning to yourself as you found yourself lost in thought. "Hey." Heather's grin widened. "Do you ever leave my side when I sleep. Or well, at all?" You asked her.

     She rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. I mean, I love you and all, but you aren't the most important thing in my life." Your eyes widened.

      "You l-love me?" Her eyes widened too. "I-I-" Her cheeks reddened. They were as bright as a tomato. You grinned playfully. "Wow. I somehow turned someone who was as straight as a board into a fruit loop." 

     She 'slapped' you on the arm. "Don't say that." You only laughed a little. "I was only joking about the 'love' bit. But it seems like you revealed that bit yourself." Heather stomped her foot on the floor, childishly. "N-no! No I didn't." 

      You only smiled and left the house. 


     The line into the ice cream shop wasn't so bad. It was usually ten times worse. Martha sighed. She was upset, the [REDACTED] was horrid for her. "Martha?" She perked up and spun around.

      "Y/n?" She said with red puffy eyes. "Oh god. You look absolutely horrible. Are you alright?" You asked. But you already knew the answer to that question. 

     "No. It was Veronica..." Your eyes widened. "She..." She couldn't even finish was she was going to say. She was that miserable. "I'm sorry to hear that Martha." You said as you reached out to put a comforting hand on her back.

     It seemed to work. "Hey. I'll get you some ice cream. On me." She perked up. "You would do that?" She asked. You nodded. "Of course. You're my friend, aren't you?" She shrugged.

      "I didn't think you still cared about me. I mean, you have all your popular friends now... I didn't think you wanted to be friends anymore." She said. You shook your head. "I-"

     "BORING!" A masculine and extremely loud voice yelled out. You sank down immediately. You recognized the tone, and you recognized who said voice belongs to.

     Let's just say, you were not pleased.

      You spun around yourself and with the most hateful expression you could muster, you glared at Kurt Kelley and Ramsweeny. "N'aw, is cupcake upset?" They mocked you.

      "Screw off, dude." You couldn't really think of anything else at that moment. You were already mentally exhausted by their ignorance, arrogance, and down right stupidness. 

      So basically their entire existence.

      "That was most likely the weakest come back I could have ever heard." "I'm aware." You could feel hands swung loosely around your waist. You felt a sickening feeling growing within you. 

     After quickly removing the mysterious person's arms, the feeling left. "Don't touch me." "Aw! Don't be like that, Cupcake. Loosen up." Martha shifted uncomfortably, and the staff seemed to notice.

     You sent them a pleading look with near teary eyes. "Yo buddy! Lay off. They said screw off, so screw off." One of the workers called out.

      You sighed in relief and watched as the two grumbled and looked down, while walking away. With their tail between their legs.

      "Thank you. I didn't know when they were going to leave." You and Martha gave your thanks to the staff. Who were extremely modest. "It's not problem. You would be surprised how common that kind of interaction is." They said.

      Martha and you looked at each other back and forth. Then paid for your ice cream. "Jeez." You huffed out as you found a two person seater bench. Or well... You know...

       "Y/n..." She called out while looking over to you. "Yeah?" She shifted uncomfortably. "Um, don't you want to come back to loser life?" Your eyes widened.

      "Is this chick for real?" Heather Chandler appeared beside you. Almost getting a physical reaction from you. But you restrained yourself. 

     You looked down on your lap. "I mean yeah. It's stressful as heck...but..." Her eyes teared up a little bit. "But what...? Aren't I your friend?" She asked as she set her ice cream down. Then she grasped gently onto your wrists.

      "Yes but-" "Then why don't you come back where it's safe? Where we're together and happy!" She said. Her grip tightening. "Martha, you're holding on too tight. Please let g-" 

    "No!" She exclaimed. "You need to learn that your friends are toxic! They don't care about you." She said as she engulfed you into a tight hug. That caught you off guard. Your breath hitched as you questioned if this was the same Martha you once knew.

     "You don't realize what you do to people, Y/n."

Tripping on Trooms {yandere heathers x gn(ish)!reader)Where stories live. Discover now