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Name: Dallas Laura Swan
Birthday: April 18th, 1986 (my actual birthday,not the year tho)
Birth sign:Aries
Charlie Swan (father)
Renee Dwyer (bitch and whore of a mother)
Isabella swan (bitch and whore of a sister)
Helen swan (paternal grandmother)
Geoffrey Swan (paternal grandfather)
Marie Higginbotham (Maternal grandmother)
Beaufort Higginbottom (maternal grandfather)

Friends: Derek Hale, Emmett McCarty,Rosalie Hale-McCarty, Phil Dwyer, Angela webber,Lauren Mallory,Tyler C. , Caius,Marcus,Jane,Alec, Felix,Demitri, Carlisle, Esme, Sam, Paul, Jared,Leah,Seth,Harry,William "Billy" black,Sarah black,Rachel and Rebecca Black,Solomon,the original siblings,maze, Lucifer, Amenadiel,Peter and charlotte Whitlock etc

Non-friends:Micheal, Mike,Jessica,Eric,Emily,Jacob: Sue,Edward,Isabella,Kate,Decaulion,Ennis,Kali,Renee,Aro,Sulpicia,Athenadora, Ester, Dahlia,,Agnes,Davina,cami,Tristian,Aurora de Mortel etc

Likes: Dancing, singing, cooking/baking, sports (watching and playing), painting, the guitar, going on runs, coffee, etc

Places she loves visiting/has visited :Texas (Dallas and Houston), LA, Beacon Hills,New Orleans,etc

Abilities:Shadow,Light and Energy manipulation, can tell when someone is following her

Species:Werewolf (child of the moon), Vampire

Mate:Jasper Whitlock

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