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Present~ (Twins are 19 while Gojo is 20)

Rina heard the birds chirping outside of their house. She groans as she makes herself into a sitting position on the futon as she is still in her yokai form. She had a few drinks with her brother at the Bakenekoya. She gets up from her futon and walks to her bathroom to have a shower.

She then changes into her human form as she put on her school uniform. The paper door soon slides open which makes Rina turn to see who is at the door, it is her brother Rikuo grinning at her which makes her raise an eyebrow.

"Good morning my twin sister." He grins.

"Good morning to you too. It seems someone is in a good mood today." She looks at her brother as she walks out of her room her brother follows by her side as one of the yokai cleans Rina's room before closing the sliding door.

They walk to one of the rooms where their grandfather and mother having breakfast. As they take a sit and are about to eat their grandfather decided to speak, "So I heard that the both of you went to bakenekoya." He didn't sound angry at all which makes both of them to froze in their seat, "Y-yes grandfather." They say in a unison.

He sighs then looks at Rikuo, "Rikuo you going to be the third head in command of Nura Clan and-" this time he faces Rina, "and my lovely granddaughter you know it's not safe when it's just the two of you together without Tsurara, Kubinashi, Aotabo and Kurotabo." Which makes him to frown as he is worried for the both of them ever since their father died.

They look down at their food, "I'm not here to be angry at the both of you but please next time bring either of them as I am worry for your safety especially when lots of yokais know that Rikuo is going to be the third head in command and they don't even know that Rina possessed the same healing power like Yohime. If they knew about Rina possessed that power, they will try to kidnap you or even kill you Rikuo."

"Sorry grandfather and we will next time." They say in unison again. They then eat their breakfast. Before leaving for school, they went to their father picture and pray, "We will be going now." They say in unison before leaving the house.

Rina and Rikuo together with Aotabo and Tsururu in their human forms went to school. Suddenly Rikuo's friends sees them and went to them. Kiyotsugu calls Rina and runs towards her as he is about to hug her, which makes Rina to move to the side. He blinks and frowns which makes Rikuo to laugh.

Kana then looks at Rina, "Rina, do you want to go to a nearby café after school? I heard that they have new." Which makes Rina to look at her as if she seems interested to go to this nearby café.


After school they went to the café, Kana chooses the new menu for her and Rina. The others choose what they usually want. As the food came Rina take a bite and beams as it is delicious which makes her brother to chuckle.

As they are busy chatting, someone has enter the cafe and it is Gojo Satoru walking with Suguru and Shoko to their favourite spot of the cafe.

The twins and the yokais could feel the strong energy which makes them to look at each other. Rikuo stands up which makes Rina to look at her brother with a confused look, "I'm going to buy these for grandfather and mother." Rina nods her head but soon she feels a pair of eyes looking at her which makes her to have eye contact with him who is wearing the circle sunglasses.

"Rina? Rina?" Her brother call out her name which makes Rina to look away and look at her brother.

"Sorry brother." She went with her brother to the counter. She then look at the dessert display then points as she ask her brother, "Should we get that for grandfather?"

"Not sure if that's too sweet for him. I mean he prefer bitter though."

Rina nods as she points the coffee base cake for their grandfather then for their mother is strawberry shortcake.

"Do you want to get some for the others?" Rikuo ask her as she looks at him and nods.

"We can get two Matcha flavor and red bean flavor for Kurotabo, Kappa and Kubinashi then another strawberry shortcake for Kejoro. Then the rest would be the mochi donuts. Six of the chocolate mocha donuts and another six of the strawberry donuts. Then another six of the glaze sugar donuts. Do you think that it will be enough for them?" She looks at her brother.

Her brother nods as he always know that his twin loves to share and buy stuff for the yokais in their house. He then pays for all. Aotabo went to Rikuo and Rina to help carry some. Rikuo whisper to Rina's ear, "We should quickly get out of here." which makes Rina to nod her head.

Meanwhile Satoru is just watching them as he feels like he has met them before but where then he blinks when Suguru call his name.

"Did you feel a strange energy earlier?" He ask.

"Yes I did."

"I wonder where does it come from?" Suguru looks at Satoru which Satoru just shrug his shoulders.

𝓐/𝓷: 𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓲𝓼 𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓭𝓸 𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓲𝓽

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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