Chapter 3: It's Me, Hi

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"What the hell is wrong with you? You almost killed our daughter!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"Are you f*ing it done yet?

"Shut your mouth, you bitch!"

I stood in the hallway to my house, both my parents arguing their heads off in the kitchen. It was late and my head still hurt from the crash.

Swerving off the road, my dad had hit a tree with his truck-totaling the truck but leaving both of us with only a few minor bruises or in my case, a headache.

"Look, I've had enough of this shit! You treat us like dirt!" Never had I heard my mom raise her voice so loud.

"You can say whatever the hell you want," Dad was smug. "You're stuck here and you know it!"

"Not anymore," my mom snapped.

There was silence for a second.

Another second of Silence.

"When did you get this?" My dad now spoke his voice unusually quiet.

"Today while you were out drinking with your friends," Mom hissed. She spoke coolly. "It's over James."

"Fine then," Dad's voice was quiet and soft. "Now get the hell out of here."

There were footsteps. Turning I looked up to see my mother walking determinedly towards me.

"Mom?" I looked at her bewilderedly. What had happened?

"Go pack your stuff Y/N," She ordered-her usually so weak voice now having a ring of command to it.

"Pack?" my eyes shot open, the words coming out in whispers. "Why?"

"Your mother got divorce papers," Dad's voice came out flat as he stepped into the hall, arms folded. "

"What?" Now I really did speak in a whisper. Tears were in my eyes. She...she had divorced my dad? As much as I hated my dad-wow I...I just couldn't believe it. I...I was finally going to be free.


"You'll be back," Dad said smoothly, leaning in the doorway to those as he watched Mom and I make our way to her car. The black saab was packed full with boxes of our stuff. It had taken a couple hours and now it was late-but we were finally leaving-finally leaving.

"Shut up James," Mom opened the door and climbed inside the driver's seat. The car roared to life.


Opening the passenger door, I hestatied. I looked at my dad. "What?"

" wont' stay?" For a moment my father's voice sounded lost-a glimmer of wetness was in his eyes. "You are going to leave me too?"

He had me-for a second. Then all the images of the way he beat my mom and yelled-slapped-hit-me flooded back.

Folding my arms, I glared at him. "Yes, I am," I climbed into the car and slammed the door shut.

My mom backed the car down the dirt driveway.

A few minutes later we were off heading onto one of the main roads which would lead out of Virginia.

"Mom," I spoke up to break the silence.

Her eyes were glued to the road, mouth persed in a line. But as I spoke her face softened and she looked at me. "Yes, Y/n?"

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