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I slightly felt the kiss he gave me on the cheek. I was stunned. I don't understand why he did it. God, oh God. I'm giddy with warm fuzziness now. My entire body is overwhelmed with butterflies. I feel cute.

I seem to be floating around, unable to walk properly. Did he intend to kill me? I'm afraid I'll die just from the endorphin overdrive my body is going through right now.

I was so happy for no reason. I mean, I have a reason. I messaged Zara to tell her how happy I was. I was singing and dancing, but the universe probably didn't want me to be this happy today. I got a call from my mother.

My mother understood all the things that happened to me; she always supported me, but she could never go against my father.

I picked up my phone.

"Hello," I greeted my mom.

"Hi, Maya!" She sounded happy.

"We just had a small dinner with your future in-laws." Oh, so that's the good news. It might have been good news, but it probably ruined my day.

"Oh!" was all I could say.

"Yeah, so his parents came home. We spoke with each other. It seems the guy is in Mumbai. He agreed to meet you tomorrow. He said he'd travel to Pune to meet you. I'll send you his number and picture. Save it and message him, ok, darling?"

She cut the phone after hearing a small OK from me.

Soon after, I got a message indicating I had received the information. I saw the photo I was sent. He didn't look bad; in fact, he looked good. We might actually have a good married life. Looking at his picture, he looks like a decent guy. He looks like the guy your mother wants you to marry. I mean, why not? He works in the civil service; he looks decent and must have a sustainable life.

I should be happy that I'm getting to marry a guy like him, but I'm not. I'm not happy. I don't want him to be my husband.

I sigh; I can't do anything about it. It's my fate, and I can't change it.

I copied his number and saved it. His name is Aditya.

I messaged him, saying, 'Hi, this is Maya.' I waited for a few seconds before keeping my phone aside.

I kept myself busy packing my bag for the trip I had ahead. After packing, I made dinner and ate in silence, just like every day.


Aaryan's POV

I had just finished a meeting when my assistant approached me and informed me about a series of phone calls. They were all Maya's. She has called me three times in the last 15 minutes.

I was upset at my assistant, but I couldn't blame her; she was trained to do what she did. I just wish Maya wasn't in any danger. I immediately dialled Maya's number.

"Hello," her soft voice said on the phone. She answered the phone after two rings. I just sighed deeply.

"Maya? How are you doing?" I inquired cautiously.

"Um, I'm fine at the moment."

"What happened? Did something happen? Did you need me?" I ask her.

"I actually do need you right now."

"Tell me what it is." I inquired about her. I'm ready to do whatever she asks of me.

"I truly am sorry, Aaryan. All I need is a ride home."

"That's all there is to it. Why apologise? I'll come get you. Please ping me your location."

"Yeah." I received a text message informing me that she had shared her location.

"Ok. Stay put; I'm on my way to get you."

I hung up the phone and started my car, entering the address into the GPS system. She's also quite far away. I'm curious what she's doing so far away from home.

It took me about 35 minutes to get to her. I parked in front of the restaurant and began looking for the girl I adore. When I found her, I simply drove up to her and let her slide into the front seat beside me. It was also cold outside, and she had been standing there for quite some time.

I took her hands in mine, and they were so cold. She didn't speak a word.

"Maya?" I called for her. I gently stroked her cheeks. They were also chilly. Her saree was thin and didn't keep her warm. I started the car and turned on the heater.

She was still silent. I didn't want to bother her, so I remained silent. I can see her brain working overtime.

Although I wanted to ask her what it was, I couldn't. I soon stopped at her home, and she didn't move. I slightly touched her hand that was resting on her lap. She snapped out of whatever she was doing.

"I'm sorry; I'll leave." She said. I still have her hand in mine.

She stopped and looked at me.

"So, is this the last time we meet?" I asked.


"You have my number. You can call me anytime. If you have trouble with anything, I'll come and help you."

She smiled and said, "How can you help me if I move away?"

Her smile faded along with mine.

"What? You're moving out?"

She looked at her lap and said, "Yes."

"Where to? when? Are you moving far away?" I needed to know.

"I still don't know where I'll go."

"What about your job?"

"I don't know; I'm quitting this job, and I probably will never work anywhere ever again."

"Why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

She's moving away. From this town. From my life.

"I'm getting married."

She said nothing, and silence was everywhere.

"What? You had a fiancee all this while?"

"No, I didn't. I just got to know I'm getting married."

I didn't know what else to say.

"Am I invited to the marriage?"

I know it's stupid. She doesn't have any feelings for me. I should just leave her. It's better for both of us.

"I-I mean, yeah?"

"Where are you getting married? What's the venue?"

"It's my home town. Hyderabad."

I just nodded. There was silence again. I was waiting for her to get out of the car. I need something to let out all my frustration and anger.


*WordCount 1007*


Teach me to love: Contemporary Romance.[UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now