𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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≻─── ⋆✩⋆ ───≺"Thank you [Y/N]"≻─── ⋆✩⋆ ───≺

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"Thank you [Y/N]"
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I Finally finished packaging the cookies for the team as well as making my moms lunch along with harus, Emikos, and kenma.. and tetsurō , I decided to be nice and make them one, I didn't have time to make my own but I'll just eat after school. By time I finished it was around 9:02pm I had already put Haru to bed so he wouldn't be falling asleep in class, I put the packaged cookies in the fridge as I went to bed myself.


The sound of my alarm clock woke me out of my slumber, well tried to "[N/N] wake up you have to get ready for school" I heard my mom walking down the hall as I sat with the blanket over my head, "I'm up mom" I got out of bed going to the bathroom to brush my teeth and touch up my hair a little, I put my uniform on as my mom came in my room "[N/N] why are there a group of boys outside my house with kenma and testūro?" She asked and then I remembered I completely forgot to tell her, "Oh that's the boys volleyball team I forget to tell you I became the manager a week ago, though I don't know why they're here.."

My phone dinged signaling I had gotten a new message it was from tetsurō...

[Y/N] we're all walking to school together so do us a favor and hurry the hell up

"Should've let me know earlier" I thought as I grabbed the package cookies and placed them in a rather small not medium floral designed box along with the bento boxes, "What's that?" My mom asked as I handed her the box so I could put my shoes on, "there cookies and bento boxes, yours is in the fridge you'll probably have to heat it up a little" she handed me back the box gently "Thank you [Y/N] you're the best daughter a mother could wish for" she said placing a kiss on my forehead, "you're welcome mom, I'll see you later k?" "Have a nice day [N/N]".

I walked out of my door while the guys greeted me, "Hey guys how are you guys holding up with studying?", "Terrible [Y/N]" Yamamoto said as we all began walking, "Ok well during lunch I'll help you if you're ok with that?" "That would be wonderful [Y/N]-"Stop making [Y/N] use up all her free time on you" yaku started they all continued talking over eachother I smiled as I walked next to tetsurō, "What's in the box?" He asked lowly so the others wouldn't hear, "it's a surprise, what's in that little box?" I asked him as he held it up a little "my lunch, my mom made me a bento box" "awe it's in a cute little Kitty wrapping" He blushed a little as we arrived at the school.

We all went out separate our ways, I spotted emiko and we walked to class together, "bout 3 bento boxes and cookies for the volleyball team" "Do I-"yes you do get cookies emiko" she smiled and we took our seats in class... I was upset i had to carry this box all day.

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