Speed Of A God (Part 2)

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"Don't suppose you know any good jokes do you?" Hope asked Stiles as he slept, unaware that he was actually listening to every word she said.

"My Ex did. He also had a weird obsession with Star Wars. We broke up after we killed his Dad, since he wasn't a phoenix anymore he felt like he had to live the rest of his life as a human."

Stiles still stood in the middle of the storm in his mind listening to Hope's voice, he still wasn't sure if it was real or if it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"His Dad was a golem, made from the blood of a vampire, witch, and werewolf." Hope explained, "And since I'm all three I could kill him."

'Wait, all three?' Stiles thought in confusion.

"I'm a Tribrid." Hope said, as if she heard his question.

'That's so cool.' Stiles said as he thought how she would look like in her Tribrid form wondering if she would be a copy of the Alpha twins when they merge.

"It's not as cool as it might sound." Hope continued, "Everyone's been trying to kill me since before I was born, price of power I guess. Everyone's always threatened by it."

'That must suck.' Stiles thought.

Hope looked down at his hand, and went to move it trying to adjust it to a more comfortable position.

A small arc of red energy hit her hand, making her move her hand back.

"Whoa." She whispered in shock.


For five months Stiles laid there in a coma and Stiles could only listen to what was happening around him.

"It's weird. Seeing him like this." Derek said, standing against the wall while his sister sat down next to Stiles.

This was their first visit, Derek hadn't even known what had happened to the teenager til he had come to Beacon Hills for a visit, Cora along with him.

"I know what you mean." Cora said, saddened to see her former crush in such a vulnerable position.

"He's been like this for six months?" Derek asked Hope who was standing in the doorway.

"Yes, his first month here there was a storm that would make the power go out whenever he had a seizure," Hope said. "But it dissipated when he started getting better."

"Then why hasn't he woken up?" Cora asked the Tribrid. "You're asking the wrong person." Hope replied.

"Lightning caused this?" Cora asked her, and she nodded. Cora could only look down at Stiles in contemplation.


Stiles wondered why Scott or Malia never visited, and being alone with his thoughts he started to assume the worst, which usually ended with either dying or cheating.

Lydia had visited occasionally during the summer, and she had told him about what school had been like without him, how boring everything was. In fact it sounded pretty similar to how he would talk to her when she was in a coma.

The people that he didn't even have that close of a connection with also visited, even Peter. He heard him walk into the room, just stand there for a moment before walking back out.

The only thing that kept him sane were the people talking to him, without them, he would have gone insane in the first month.

"You know I haven't even told my therapist as much as I have told you." Hope said.

"If you wake up and remember all of this that would be very embarrassing."

'Yeah, it would.' Stiles thought, but he had to consider the fact that he might never wake up, he could be stuck like this for the rest of his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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