Mistakes are made

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(Ty's POV Monday)
Ty was about 52 hours since he returned to WWE & 48 since he & Gionna said goodbye but something was bothering him & was keeping him up even at Midnight on Monday. Ty's Sunday was normal he went to church visited his mom hung out with Lexi did a couple interviews signed some autographs & picked up Aubrie from the bit- fine McKayla's house. But all day something had been nagging him something that had now manifested in keeping him up at Midnight. The words spoken by Liv when she fell asleep kept him up "I love you babe" those 4 words kept him up. Did she know she said it? Did she even say it? Is any of this even real? Am I dreaming? All but one of these were able to be answered by Ty no he wasn't dreaming nor was this fake as he pinched himself right after it happened also he hit his head on a wall on Saturday so he knew it wasn't, did she say it his thoughts wouldn't be this occupying if she hadn't & as for if she knew she said it he doesn't know there's only one way to figure it out and that's to ask her.

(Friday Night Smackdown)
Ty made his way to the show for the first time real fans would be in attendance. But he knew things were on his mind 1. Aubrie chose to come to the show today with her mom & she'd be front row for MITB & he wants to make his daughter proud. 2. He would find out about who was winning MITB him Big E Seth Rollins & Kevin Owens were the options from Smackdown & they heard a Smackdown star was going to win this match from creative months before Hayden officially returned. And 3. The most pressing issue on his mind was of course Gionna he felt like he should ask about the hotel but also that would mean confronting some harsh truths to his own feelings & relationships.
He arrived at the Toyota Center full of nerves & emotion. He had already gone through the rehearsals for MITB & his segment tonight earlier now it's just a matter of doing it. It's the first show back with fans & Ty doesn't know how they're gonna react to him on one hand a guy who was in prominent roles for AEW NJPW & Impact and with the way wrestling is set up right now he could get cheered immensely on the other hand he also could get no reaction cause the fans see him as a flop who never made it. Ty put all those negative thoughts behind him and went into the arena a couple fans noticed him and cheered putting a smile on his face as he opened the door.

(Gionna's POV 2 hours till Smackdown starts)
Gionna was happier than can be her talk with Ty had put her worries & anxiety to ease and she had heard that she's in the top 3 for the MITB running and she knew that while it was a hell of a long shot she at least had a chance more than she would've 2 years ago a year ago or even a couple weeks ago before her bestie got released. But truth be told Gionna knew that wasn't the only reason she was happy she also missed Ty and she was excited to train with him like he promised her last week
(At the ring Ty's POV)
Ty was in the ring with a lot on his mind taking bumps when he heard the familiar voice of the woman who may or may not be his favorite blonde "Hey Ty"
He turned around to see the woman who put him in this spiral Gionna dressed in workout gear presumably to train like he promised her in that hotel room.
"Hey Gi you ready to go?"
"I was born ready"
The exes run the ropes and do the basics slowly picking up as they showed each other what they learned in their times away. Liv hits a springboard hurricanrana which shocked Ty.
"Damn Gi you got so good since I last trained with you" Ty says impressed with the woman he used to call rookie's improvement
"Yea I've made it my goal to catch up with you!" Gionna playfully remarks
"Alright so what do you wanna do you learn some new stuff you wanna practice some stuff you've been wanting to try what now?"
"Um honestly I wanna practice a couple new moves I've seen A springboard Enziguri to someone on the apron, A sunset Flip Powerbomb,Honestly I wanna bring back my moonsault from NXT, & maybe if we have time I wanna learn how to do some stuff looking strikes." Gionna answered looking to absorb everything she can from her ma- she means her friend.
"Alright let's get to it"
The two  lock up as they do transitions to those moves and Gionna practices.

Living Destiny(A Liv Morgan X OC story Discontinued Revamp Shortly)Where stories live. Discover now