Shattered Pen

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A pen in hand, with thoughts to express,
But a heart that's broken, with scars to stress.
Yet still she writes, each word a line,
Her pen a shattered vessel, of what's inside.

Words pour forth, like water from a spring,
Her pen a tool, to bring her solace to.
Each verse, a message, to the world she shows,
A shattered pen to make her voice glow.

Despite the pain, of what she's felt,
Her pen still writes, with heart, unsalted.
Her words, a message, of hope and despair,
A shattered pen, with a story to share.

A shattered pen, that's seen it all,
Yet still, her words, speak of resilience and perseverance.
A heart, that's broken, but still beats strong,
Her pen, a symbol, of what's right and wrong.

A pen that's shattered, with a journey so long,
A metaphor, for all that's felt in this song.
Her words, a message, of beauty and strife

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