Baby... please.

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"It doesn't count!" I insisted as he nodded and smiled. I was sitting on his lap, on the bed and we were playing a game. The rules were clear. Player 1 asks something about themselves to player 2, player 2 has 10 seconds to answer or they owe player 1 a kiss wherever they want.

"Come on give it up." He pointed at his lips "It's not fair, if you never told me before, how am I supposed to know?" I said loudly while laughing because he started tickling me. "Okay! Okay.." I said trying to calm my laughter. I looked at him not able to hide my smile. His smile lit up his eyes, lightly wrinkling the corners. I grabbed his chin and kissed him. His soft lips pushed against mine. His stubble grazed my chin and his hands rested on my sides.

"My turn." I smiled against his lips and he quickly stole another kiss "Hey! that's cheating." I said giggling "Oh yeah?" he asked and threw me on the bed beside him. "Yes!" I laughed as he blew raspberries on my neck "VINNIE." I yelled not able to keep my laughter in. "Then what's this?" He laughed as he trailed kisses up to my lips. When his lips reached mine, I couldn't help but smile, I was so happy. "I think I won." He winked hoovering me. "It's not over yet." I giggled. He sat up against the pillows, how he was before, and helped me get on him. "Alright. Your turn, principessa." He said and I smiled, and I know I blushed because my face was hotter than the Sahara. "Alright. If I were to have a pet... Which one would I have. 10 SECONDS GO!" I yelled excitedly. His eyes searched my face, while he opened his mouth to say something "A dog?" He guessed and I shook my head "NO! A rabbit. It's a rabbit." He said quickly with his eyes wide and I fell to the side laughing "Is it right?" He asked smiling and pulling me up "Yes, but your time was up." I smiled "See, it was a rabbit...technically I'm right." I had a bunny when I was little, and just fell in love with bunnies since. "But it's a bunny." I corrected him "No- Baby... It's the same, c'mon." he shrugged raising his hands. I smiled and shook my head "What do you mean?" "Okay, I'll give you this one." I rolled my eyes and he muttered victory words. You'd think we'd like to lose the game, because of the kisses but the winners gets the last tiramisu.

"2-1 Principessa." He raised his eyebrows at me. The first one to get to 5 wins "Okay. Throw it at me." I jumped pretending I was training "You ready?" he asked "Go on." "The worst ice cream flavor. Go." He said. Oh my god I know this one. "Macadamia nut??" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows "What?" he asked and started laughing "Oh no! It's mint chocolate chip!" I said hopeful that my turn wasn't over. He looked at me unimpressed
"I know it's that one. It's the one with mint!" I said excited "Yes, baby. It's the one with mint. The peppermint one." He rolled his eyes and started laughing when my smile faded "You're kidding, right?" I asked while focusing on his laughing face. He's so beautiful, his face just lights up my mood. I couldn't even stay sad about losing "Peppermint is the same thing as the mint one." I tilted my head and he shook his "Come on, give me this one." I grabbed his face and squeezed making his lips purse like a fish's. It made me chuckle but I stopped so he'd think I'm sad and give it to me "Not the same." He held my hands "I agree. A bunny and a rabbit? Like what??" I furrowed my eyebrows "No- Mia." his head fell and his back twitched with laughter "Baby, come one, I gave you that one." I insisted.

He looked up at me and shook his head "I want the lips again." he winked again. He was still holding my wrists. "Please. I'll give you the kiss and you give me the point, yes?" I smiled "Hm..." he made a face while thinking "You give me the kiss, because it's the rules. And since we are going with the rules... You don't get the point." he got closer to my face "Please, it's the same. Who cares if it's peppermint or mint chocolate chip? they both kind of taste like toothpaste." I said and he shook his head "It's not." he leaned down to me and kissed me below my ear "Give it to me." He whispered giving me butterflies
"You're still holding my hands." I smiled looking him in the eyes. Our faces were so close "You need them?" He arched an eyebrow with his sexy smirk showing his pearly white teeth. "Maybe..." I whispered and he let go. My smile widened and I pushed him against the pillows on the headboard. I softly placed my hands on his face and kissed him slowly. These kisses are supposed to be quick pecks, but it feels so much better when we cheat a little. His tongue slipped out and before giving in, I stopped. His hands on my waist tensed, he quickly searched for my eyes "Your turn." I smiled and sat back down. "I hope I don't lose this one." he smirked sarcastically, he hasn't lost once yet "If you lose on porpose, I'll go downstairs and eat the tiramisu." "You wouldn't." He smiled "Okay, come on." I said "My favorite hobby? Go." I said and he didn't hesitate to say it. "Painting and drawing." I squinted my eyes at him "Don't even come at me. I know it's right." He raised his eyebrows while grinning at me "Ugh fine." I fell on his shoulder. "3-1." he chuckled stroking my back. Ugh he'll see.
I sat up and looked at him, I cracked my knuckles and then my neck, he gave me an amused look "I guess you're ready?" he chuckled "Yes." I smiled "My favourite movie of all times. Go." Oh. OH. "Star wars" I said excitedly "Which one?" He asked quickly.
"The... uhm, baby come on, I got it right." I grabbed his shirt and insisted, he started laughing "Please." I laid my head on his chest "It was right.." I said. I heard him sigh and the shortly snort "Fine, it was right." he gave in. I got up and excitedly cheered "3-2! I'm getting there." I grinned and he shook his head.

"Alright. What's my second language? Go." I asked and he looked at me confused "I..." he trailed off without knowing what to say.

As soon as the time went off I cheered "Looks like Mr.Knows-it-all doesn't know everything after all." I grinned "Not that I'm celebrating your loss... just a little." I smiled and hugged him, he hugged me back but looked at me weird when I pulled away. "What other language do you speak?" He arched an eyebrow "Portuguese. My grandmother lived in Portugal." I smiled and he furrowed his eyebrows "I feel like I should've known that." he seemed upset "Don't worry baby. Losing is part of life." I smirked.


"Mia!" Vinnie screamed as I ran as fast as I could down the stairs.

I almost tripped down some stairs but managed to get down. "I won! fair and square." He yelled after me "I want it." I yelled back and ran my way into the kitchen "Mia. Get back here." he said

I managed to get in the kitchen but as I opened the fridge door, he caught me. "Ah!" I screamed as he tackled me down "Vinnie!" I widened my eyes as he pinned me on the floor. He looked at me with low eyebrows and his chain dangling over my head. If I didn't know that we were playing around I'd think that he looks scary right now. He was just breathing heavily over me "Baby, please." I smiled trying to get my way "Don't bother. Oh and losing is a part of life, right?" he smiled. Ah, using my words against me.
He was going to get up to get his prize but I pulled him back. Catching him off-guard and claiming his mouth. I got a satisfied "Mhm" from him. He pulled away and got up, pulling me up with him.

He opened the fridge talking and taking the tiramisu dish out. My mouth watered just from looking at it. He went through the cabinet and got out a spoon. "C'mon, before I change my mind." He exited the kitchen.


I put my arm around her as we watch her favorite movie. "Thank you." she smiled. The sweetest smile ever. It was so worth it. "You're welcome, principessa." I said giving her another spoon of tiramisu. "Oh this is the part, where her mother tries to split them up. Which is so stupid, cause he's clearly the love of her life." She said shaking her head. I pulled her in and kissed her forehead. This girl...

My toxic addiction - Vinnie HackerWhere stories live. Discover now