Logan finds out the news

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(That night)

"Logan are you ready to go to the clinic to see what is wrong with you?" Kendall asks him after they got done eating dinner that night which Kendall cooked for Logan cause he had one of his cravings once again which Kendall was more then happy to help out with, and made sure the meal was good for Logan cause he was starving by meal time

"Ready as I'll ever be I guess, so let's get this show on the road, so I can get better and go back to my life" Logan says as he gets up off of the couch to go with Kendall to the clinic to see what is going on with him, and to see if it could be cured with antibiotics or something along those lines cause he was ready to see what was going on with him

The whole way to the clinic Logan looked out the window at the sights that he saw, and he was worried what the doctor was going to find out with him at the clinic, and if it was going to ruin his whole career and flush it down the old dumpster and have it be gone forever


"Easy does it Logan I don't want you to hurt yourself at all" Kendall says to Logan as he helps him to the clinic, so Logan could be seen by the doctor that was on call that day

"Thanks Kendall" Logan says to his best friend as they approach the clinic, so he could get checked out to see what is going on with him, and get it taken care of no matter what happens

Logan got himself registered and checked in before taking a seat to see what was going on with him, and see what is really causing all of these symptoms

"Kendall I'm scared out of my mind" Logan says to his best friend that was sitting with him in the waiting room while he waited to go back to see what was going on with him at the moment, and see what kind of medicine that he will need to take to get better, so he won't have to go through this no more then what he wanted

"Logan there is nothing to be scared of I will be right here the entire time with you and making sure everything is going to be just fine don't you worry your little head off I'm not leaving you for a second at all. We are in this together no matter what" Kendall says as he caresses Logan's hand gently while they waited for Logan's name to be called back to see what was going on with him

"Logan" the nurse calls from the doorway

"That's you Logie come on I'll help you up, so we can go back to see what is going on with you" Kendall says as he helps his friend up from the chair, so they could head back to see what was going on with him at the moment

Logan had his weight checked before he was put into a room to wait on the doctor to see what was going on with him, and see how he was going to be taken care of cause Logan was scared out of his mind of what he had

"Mr. Henderson can I have your arm please for a blood sample?" the nurse asks coming into the room to take his blood for testing

Logan went over to the chair, so he could have his blood taken to see what is going on with him

(An hour later)

"Mr. Henderson what symptoms have you been experiencing lately?" the doctor asks when she came into the room with her chart that had his name on it

"Well i have be experiencing nausea, back pain, cravings, my chest has been feeling tight, I have been gaining a bunch of weight around my middle" Logan says to the doctor as he pats his stomach gently where the weight was located

"Hopefully when your blood work comes back we will be able to see what is going on with you" the doctor says as she leaves the room cause the clinic was getting ready to close and Logan won't find out the results for a few days to see what is going on with him

"Am i free to go?" Logan asks the doctor as Kendall helps him up

"Yes you are free to go until your blood work comes back, and when it does come back you will be sent to the hospital to see what is going on with you" the doctor says as she shows Logan and Kendall out of the clinic that night

"Logan it is going to be fine. Until you get your test results you are more then welcome to stay with me at my place, and I will help you get through this" Kendall says to Logan as they head out to Kendall's car, so they could head home that night after they were done at the clinic

"I wish they could of figured out what was wrong with me right there instead of making me wait a couple of days cause this sucks really bad" Logan says to Kendall as Kendall backs out to head home after the clinic

On the way home Kendall stops at the local drug store and picks up something for Logan to help make it better for him, so he doesn't have to wait to see what is going on with him

(Kendall's house)

"Okay Logie go in the bathroom and take the test" Kendall says as he hands Logan a plastic bag that had the purchase in it

"Kendall I am not taking a pregnancy test to see what is wrong with me" Logan says to his best friend as he hands him the bag back

"Okay I won't force you to take it, but it will make you feel better if you took it, so you can see what is going on with you" Kendall says to Logan

Logan decided to take the test anyway to see if he was pregnant or not

(Few minutes later)

"See the test says negative" Logan says as he comes out of the bathroom with the test in his hand

"Okay all we have to do is wait on your blood work to see what is really going on with you" Kendall says to Logan as he hugs him

"Yeah I guess so" Logan says as he got ready to go to bed cause he was tired from the day in general

(Few days later)

Logan and Kendall arrived at the hospital in the evening cause the hospital didn't want to give him the news during the daytime when they were busy. Logan felt better about that, so the whole hospital didn't need to hear what was wrong with him

"Mr. Henderson can you lift up your shirt for me please?" the ultrasound tech asks him

Logan does what he was told and the tech put the gel on his stomach, so the doctor could see what was going on with him

"Okay let's see where is the little one at shall we?" the doctor asks as he scopes Logan's stomach

"What little one?" Logan and Kendall asks at the same time at the doctor

"Well Mr. Henderson you are pregnant" the doctor says to him when he found the baby or first baby

The doctor turns up the volume, so Logan could hear the heartbeat of the baby that was growing inside him

"Is that my baby?" Logan asks the doctor as he sits up to see the baby

"Yes and it looks like the first baby is a little girl" the doctor tells him

Logan was in aw when he saw the cute baby girl sucking her thumb

"It seems she has a sister" the doctor says when he sees the other baby that was in the other sac next to her sister

Logan couldn't believe that he was having twin girls

"Wait i see two more little girls that are higher up the their sisters" the doctor says to Logan when he sees two more sacs

Logan was over the moon that he was having quads, and he was going to be a mommy

"By the heartbeats that I hear all four of them are quite healthy and are right on track for developing normally. I don't see any complications at all as of right now" the tech tells Logan and Kendall

"That is good news" Logan says as he admires his little girls that were on the screen that was by him

"I'm going to go 3D so you can see them a little better" the tech tells Logan

Logan nods as she goes 3D for the girls, so he could see the little features of the girls

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