Last day of school

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"Hey Kate are you going to your cabin this summer?" My friend Avery asked, "Ya I am don't I go every summer duh," "haha right I forgot" she said while laughing. "hey Kate" my friend Lexa shouted "oh hey Lexa" "Hey are you aloud to bring anyone to your cabin this summer?!" She asked "Hey I might I'll ask I can bring you and Avery" I explained "Ya that would be so much fun!" They both said.

After I finish all my classes I pack up my locker and head home. "Finally school is finished!" I yelled as soon as I got home. "hey Hun" as my mom glanced and said to me. "Hey mom, maybe do you think Lexa and Avery could come to the cabin with us" I asked sounding as sweet as I can. "Sure Hun that would be ok" "YES thank you so much mom, I'm going to go call them to tell them they can come." I yelled happily.

~I call Lexa and Avery~ "Hey guys guess what!" I said "WHAT!?" They both yelled blasting my ear drums. "Ow that was my ear and you can come to the cabin with us!" I yelled back. "ok ok I get what u mean that is loud," Lexa said "haha I told you" I laughed "so we both came come" Avery asked "yes my mom said that would be ok! And guys we are leaving tomorrow so pack your things" I replied "ok we will" Lexa said, "ok see you guys tomorrow" I said and then hung up.

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