Scared as Hell

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"Should we wake her up or scare the hell out of her" I ask Avery, and of course as normal teenagers would do is scare the hell out of her so that's exactly what we did.
Well mom and dad went for a walk around the lake Avery and I made our plan to scare her, "so this is what we are going to do, since mom and dad are gone we are going to hide in the forest and when she wakes up she will look for us, then when she can't find us she will think that she's hear all alone." I explained, "but what will we do to make her think that we are gone?" Avery asked "good question Avery I think we should mix some water with ketchup to make it look like blood and put a hand print on the car window" I said with excitement, "sure we can to that but if she gets to scared we will tell her it was a prank wright?" Avery questioned "of course we will I wouldn't want her to a get to scared."

As we set up the whole prank Avery and I go and hide in the bush, *throughs rock at car* "wha wha," as Lexa wakes up she sees the fake bloody hand print on the window.

Lexa's POV
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "wha wha" a bang against the car woke me up, "wow I must have been sleeping for hours," I thought to myself. "AHHHHHHHHH" I scream at the top of my lungs, there was a fricken bloody hand print on the car window?!

As I examine the woods and the cabin something seems off, not because there's a bloody hand print on the car window, but because it was so quiet. It was never quite at this cabin, as I walked into the cabin everything was in place but no one was in here. I go to look around outside and I walk outside and hear something in the bush so I walk back into the cabin I grab a knife and walk out, I scream "Who ever the hell you are come out and bring my friends too!" I look to see Kate and Avery come out of the bush.

Kate's POV
As Avery and I watch Lexa walk into the cabin we really think she's scared now, Lexa walked out of the cabin carrying a knife and we both think it's time to tell her we tricked her, so we walk out. We see the relief in Lexa's eyes and then we saw a flash of anger.
Lexa's drops the knife and starts to walk towards us.

Lexa's POV
I see that Kate and Avery come out of the bush and I realized they pulled a prank on me and I was angry. I started to walk towards them and yelled "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SCARE ME LIKE THAT!?"
Avery Explains everything about me sleeping forever and wanting to wake me up so they pulled a prank on me to wake me up. I was still mad but thought it was a good prank.
" guys I'm still mad but that was a really good prank next time do it on someone else please" ask Lexa we all burst out into laughter. "Don't worry we will do it on your brother the next time we come for a sleepover at your house ok Lexa" Avery told me, "Deal" I said.


Hey sorry I took so long to publish this chapter. I had exams at school and after that I went camping for a month. So I hope u liked it and sorry if there's spelling mistakes. BYEE!!!!!! 😝

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2015 ⏰

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