Part 4 - Internal Turmoil

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In the days that followed, news arrived that Katha's team had secured the bid. The sense of accomplishment and excitement was palpable among her colleagues. Celebratory cheers filled the office, and Katha couldn't help but feel a rush of pride and happiness.

As the project moved forward, Katha found herself coordinating closely with Viaan's team. Their interactions were marked by a seamless blend of professionalism and camaraderie. With every email, phone call, and meeting, their connection grew stronger. Kathaa appreciated Viaan's insights and expertise, and their conversations extended beyond the confines of work.

It was during these moments that Katha came to admire Eshan's leadership style and his genuine commitment and ability to make work fun.

Yet amidst the whirlwind of professional engagements, Katha was grappling with personal challenges of her own. The engagement that had once seemed like a promise of happiness now felt like a heavy burden.

Conversations with her fiancé, Akash, were strained and often ended in arguments. The demands of her work and the emotional strain of the engagement left her feeling overwhelmed and conflicted.

Similarly, Viaan had his own struggles to contend with. Family expectations and responsibilities weighed heavily on him. He found solace in his work, but the pressure he faced at home added an additional layer of complexity to his life.


Eshan and Viaan were sitting in a cabin discussing some project.

But Eshan's thoughts were consumed by Viaan's car accident matter that had been weighing on his mind for some time.

"Viaan, there's something about the accident"

Viaan curiously "What about it?"

"I've been investigating, and I've come to suspect that the accident wasn't just a random occurrence. It might have been planned, and the more I dig, the more I'm convinced that someone might be behind it"

Viaan's expression turned serious as he absorbed Eshan's words.

"I've been reviewing the evidence, and there are certain inconsistencies that can't be ignored. I believe Seema aunty might have orchestrated it.

Viaan Frowned and replied "That's a serious allegation, Eshan. Are you sure about this?"

"I wouldn't bring this up without substantial evidence. I know it's a lot to take in, but I need to get to the bottom of it. And I need to know if you've noticed anything unusual or if you have any suspicions about that day"

Viaan's expression remained contemplative, his mind clearly processing the gravity of the situation.

"Eshan, I appreciate your concern, and I understand why you're investigating this. But I think we should be careful not to jump to conclusions."

Eshan became frustrated with him "Viaan, I understand your perspective, but there are too many things that don't add up. I won't rest until I find out the truth"

"Sometimes, things may appear one way, but the reality might be different" Viaan replied hesitantly like he knew something but didn't want to point it out.

Eshan somewhere realized the hesitation and nodded acknowledging that sometimes even the most apparent answers can be veiled in ambiguity.


As days went on, Viaan found himself often shuttling between Mumbai and Kolkata due to work commitments. His mother, Teji, appeared increasingly displeased with his frequent travels. In contrast, Eshan had his base firmly established in Mumbai, and Viaan had been staying at his place during his visits.

One late evening, as Viaan was walking near his office, his path crossed with a scene that stopped him in his tracks. Katha and Akash, her fiancé, were engaged in a heated argument. Tensions ran high, and Viaan's eyes widened as he witnessed Akash push Katha in his frustration.

Viaan's footsteps quickened, anger flaring within him at the sight of Katha being treated so disrespectfully. Before he could intervene, Katha held up a hand to stop him, a silent plea in her eyes. Akash's frustration seemed to escalate at the interference, but Katha's stern request for him to leave carried weight, and he eventually stormed off.

As the tense air cleared, Viaan walked closer to Katha, his expression a mix of concern and empathy. "Are you alright?"

Katha nodded, her voice slightly shaky as she responded, "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for stepping in, though."

Katha's emotions were a jumbled mess as she tried to steady herself.

Viaan walked to his car and retrieved a water bottle, handing it to her. As she took a few grateful gulps, he advised, "Why don't you sit down? There's a bench right there."

Following his suggestion, Katha sank onto the bench, her thoughts swirling with the recent encounter. Viaan's presence provided a steadying influence, his calm demeanor a comforting contrast to the turmoil she felt inside.

Viaan's gaze turned contemplative, and he spoke softly, "Katha, sometimes, tolerating the wrong is not the right"

Katha's eyes met his, "I know," she admitted, her voice a whisper.

Viaan's reassuring smile touched her heart. "It's not easy to let go, Katha. The fear of regret can be overwhelming. But sometimes, that's exactly what's needed to find happiness and move forward."

As he spoke, Viaan's mind wandered to the memory of his mother's face when she discovered his father's affair. It had been a moment of heartache and eventual transformation.

Katha's voice was laced with confusion as she confessed, "I'm so lost, Viaan. I don't even know how to put an end to this."

Viaan's smile remained gentle. "You're stronger than you think. Sometimes, we fear change, but it's the only way to embrace a better future. Remember, sometimes the most difficult decisions lead to the most fulfilling paths."

Katha absorbed his words, a mix of emotions coursing through her veins. Viaan's guidance seemed to resonate within her, a beacon of clarity in a sea of uncertainty.


The city skyline sprawled out before Katha as she stood on the terrace, the twinkling lights below mirroring the turmoil within her.

There were many things that were bothering Katha, but she was sure of one thing and that was she no longer wanted to tolerate Akash and his family, and she wouldn't let things go as they were going.

The purpose of this whole marriage was getting lost somewhere and she was getting pushed into a rathole for which she never signed up for

Her fingers dialed a number she knew by heart, and as the call rang on the other end, her heart clenched with a mixture of hope and anxiety.

Ring... ring... ring...

Each unanswered ring felt like a tiny echo of her emotions, reverberating in the quiet space around her. Katha's gaze remained fixed on the screen, her breath caught in a mixture of anticipation and sadness.

But just as it had been in recent months, the call eventually went to voicemail. The familiar voice she longed to hear remained distant, unreachable.

"Aarav" Katha whispered, closing her eyes, her emotions threatening to spill over. She remembered the days when she and Aarav would talk for hours, sharing laughter, and dreams. But the recent happenings had created some distance between them, she was trying to sort it out but with each day she could feel the distance further and further.

Katha's voice wavered as she left a voice message. "Monkey, it's me. I miss you. I am sorry, I never wanted to send you there. Please... Please call me back when you can."

The vulnerability in her voice was palpable, a reflection of the depth of her feelings. Katha pressed the "send" button and lowered her phone, a sense of desolation settling within her.

Katha turned to gaze at the city lights once more, her heart heavy with the weight of her own struggles and the ache for Aarav.


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