Chapter 10

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Lucas P. O. V.

I dropped her off at home and went straight back to that hospital. I cancelled my plan with boys as I can't wait anymore to beat the shit out of that bastard..

I walked ahead ignoring that nurse noona and banged open the door.. He trend back and stared at me confused..


As soon as he opened his mouth to talk I iu ched his face and he fell down on the floor.. This bastard to so weak.. Soon the workers run inside and tried to pull me away from him..

" you punk.. Who are you..?!! " he shouted as I pushed everyone...

" doctor.. He is one of our client's boyfriend.. They visited you few hours ago.." that nurse noons said..

" huh.. Boyfriend..? Few hours ago..? Who..?" he asked confused

"Athanasia obelia.." she said and his eyes wided in shock..

"athy have a boyfriend.?!! I never heard of it.." he mumble scanning me from head to toe.

" I think he is lying.. Call the police.. Hold this bastard.." he said and those guys hold me as that noona rushed to call the police..

" what happened..?" one of the police uncle asked as they rushed here .. I stayed silent cause that's what I also wanted..

" this punk.. He suddenly barged into my office and hit me.. See.. I am bleeding.." he said showing his ugly face.

" you brat .. You look like a highschooler.. Why did you do that..?" that officer asked.

" why are you even investigating him..? Drag him tk the station and beat the shit out of this bastard.. How dare he.? "

He shouted and I chuckled..

"huh you are laughing..?" he asked pissed.

" you want the police to lock up and hit me..? You are not even gonna try.? How old are you..?" I asked smirking and I think he got so embarrassed.

" you bastard.. Just wait.. I called someone important here.. You look like a street thug and you dared to act like athy's boyfriend.. Do you even know whose daughter she is..?!! "he asked laughing proudly like he succeed in threatening me..

" we asked you why did you hit him.? " that officer asked again..

" do I have to tell you..? "I asked and he glared at me..

" there are so many important things to get to do   yet you guys  are here acting like his personal guards just for money.. "

I said and he got pissed he was about to hit me but a hand grabbed his and pushed it away. I looked behind me to see claude uncle standing there staring at them like he wants them dead ..

" who are you to raise your hand on him.? " he asked in low stern voice..

" and you..?" that officer asked staring at him confused.

" sir claude.. Thanks for coming when I called.." that bastard said smiling ..geez.. So gross

" claude de Alger obelia!! "that another  officer mumbled surprised and took a step back.

" I asked who the fuck are you..? " he asked again and he showed his I'd .

" this doctor here called us as this guy suddenly attacked him.. We were in te middle of interrogating him."he said..

Heh.. Interrogation ..? This..?

" he hit you..? ". He asked staring at that bastard bored.

P. O. V. Ends..

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