18th March 2013. 7pm
Today I sent you a text, today you didn't answer. Why do you not respond to me. I will say again that I am sorry. I wish we were still friends. Maybe if we were still talking it would make me feel better. With all my medical problems you said that everything would be ok as long as we were still friends, does this mean that everything will go wrong? You were the only person that I felt I could talk to who would not take pity on and would be truthful with. Know I just bottle it up so no-one can see my true feelings. Only you were able to break my outer shell. Today I had another medical appointment but I had no-one to phone when I was worried or sick. Not that calming voice that would tell me that everything was ok. I miss you!
Ps: you really are the best
My crush, My love
RomanceThis is a series of letters addressed to a girls best friend after something has torn them apart