~Double Date~

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I thought I should write something wholesome and also spicy >:]

Pretty much smut will be in this :^

It's Monty and Freddy yk ;]

Chica and Roxy being the wholesome part of this chapter:D



R:what is it chicks?

C:I had the best idea!

F:what is it? :]

M:Teddy....whatever' it might' be chaotic' I don't trust it-

C:WEELLLL~ this time it's good! We should do a double date ^^

R:double date huh?~

F:Should we Monty?

M:Yeah sure might' as well its a good excuse' to take you out~

F:*nervous flustered laugh*

R:Well. Let's do it!



F:you know you guys don't have to do fight over this-

M:Shut it Freddy we're doin' it...

C:I'm back!!~.....whats..going on hehehe-..

F:Monty and Roxy are competing again-

C:on our...double date- *sigh* what exactly are they competing over?



F:while u were gone Roxy kept saying how much fun you'd have with her th-

C:awwhh!! Really?? Oh....sorry ^^"

F:It's okay.But then Monty kept saying how I'll have more fun then you 2 and now they're fighting because they wanna see who's better at


Giving affection-

C:wow...Can't they quit it?


F&C:*shook* okay....

M:just you wait you stupid' wolf!!Freddy will have the best time'!!

R:False!!because my Chica will have the best time u idiot gay-tor!!


F:here we go again...

C:Let's just try to make it through..

-after the games-
They played fazer blast,Gator golf,Bonnie bowling,Roxy racing,and who can scare the most...staff bots-

Monty:3.         Roxy:2.

R:aargghh!!How'd you beat me!!IM THE BESTTT!!*angry Roxy noises*

M:*the iconic gaytor laugh* because I can ha!!

F&C:time to go..

R:C'mon chicks this date is over!

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