The Acceptance Test

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"So do you know about the test we have to do today?" Penelope holds her head up by her arm as she lays on her side. I shake my head confused yet intrigued. "We have to endure the acceptance test to show whatever it is they want us to do" she scoffs as she sits up I smile a bit. Now serious Penelope gazes into my eyes and sighs. "Do you think you could keep a secret for me?" She questions as I reach for my journal and start writing a response. "Only if you'll keep one of mine down the road :)" Catching the book she reads it and chuckles a bit. "Of course...." She pauses and shifts her legs nervously into an indian style pose. "I know we met an hour ago but you're going to be the first person to know this" she draws in a large bubble of breath and holds out her hand, unraveling her fingers from her fist a bright blue light roared from the skin of her palm.

In shock I watch the light die down as she shuts her hand again making a puff of light. "Who's Samantha? And who's James?" With shock and surprise I look away afraid to show my feelings through my facial expressions. "Please don't freak out! I know I'm dangerous I don't even like it! I see through people and gain information that is backed up in their brain, I don't even have to look for something specific-" before she can continue I shush her pushing my index finger up to my lips. "What?" She wonders, again grabbing my journal I scratch down words explaining what her and I had in common. "I'm mute because of a curse, if I talk bad things will happen so in a way I have an ability like you but it's much more dangerous than yours" as she read the dark words on the page I want to tell her how it happened, why it happened, and why I should never talk again.

"What do you mean 'bad things will happen' or 'more dangerous' I don't get it" Penelope hands me the book back and I sigh. "If I talk people will die literally my voice isn't a voice anymore it's just this high pitched tone that is like poison to their's sounds dumb and it is but it's what has happened the last year and a half" Clasping it into her hands she again reads through my darkly written words. Switching from my bed to hers I sit next to her and write under the paragraph I just wrote. "Are you afraid now?" Reading it over again she shakes her head. "We are both dangerous...if we are both being honest I've killed someone too well almost he was pretty much dead in the hospital but he survived" she tilts her head away as a large bell rings through each speaker in the rooms, I could hear them through each room close to us.

"All students are requested to the main building for the Acceptance Test" A man's stern voice had made me shiver. "After the test students will remain in their dorms until the next day" the voice returned as it's cold voice had no tone of emotion I rise with Penelope to depart from out room and out into the hall like the rest of the girls on our floor. With pen my journal with was clutched between my fingers I felt a squirming feeling inside my gut, while groups at a time filled the silver coated elevator Penelope grabbed me and we ran down the stairs. "What do you think this is?" She asks. "I don't know" I reply resting the journal in her hands for a matter of three seconds she gives it back.

Only a clash of chaotic noise was fed to my ears, as we both walked inside I felt as if I was normal for a second like this was just a normal questionnaire for students so they feel comfortable. But no. Life likes to screw me like that. A long hall was rolled out with a deep red carpet lined with golden swirls, the walls were a deep oak that held up old paintings and were supported by tables used only for decoration. By the end of the crowd a single man stood there guarded by two others but they had the brute, poker face's on their heads. The man who was guarded however was not like them, not like anyone there in fact, he was well dressed but almost like he was older for his own time. When the final person enters the body heated room the large doors are closed, this time everyone was silenced-well everyone but me.

"Good name is Arnold Garret and I am your headmaster" the silk that dripped from his mouth floated to everyone's ears, his smile was almost intoxicating. "You don't know what the Acceptance Test is and believe me the rumors are wrong, each of you will come up as I call your name and demonstrate what you and I both know you have-" at that moment I could feel the pressure between Penelope and I. "An ability" those two words felt like white hot iron scorching my brain, but somehow I could still hear the worried chatter. "Some of you are going to be scared, a lot of you will think you are dangerous- but let me tell you all that you can use your gift for the greater good, no matter how bad it is" Penelope's eyes met mine, we shared the fear but she didn't know mine, she is afraid of hurting or possibly killing somebody. I'm afraid of killing everyone in this building.

"Miranda Sanborn?" His voice released another clatter of noise as a short girl with light brown hair steps through the crowd and stands before Mr. Garret. "Please show us your ability" stepping forward he holds out a hand for a short time to assure the permission. She inhales a shaky breath. Before I know it she fell to her hands and knees and was morphed into a tiger, flaring with colors of orange and black with white slithering underneath her stomach. "Nicely done Miranda" Mr. Garret's smile was warming as she switched back to her human form she ran back to her group where the emotion of embarrassment with awkwardness was shown.

"Kyle Anderson?" Another name, another victim to the cruel nerve racking edge of showing the one thing these people were taught to hide. A red headed guy strolled up from the front row and glanced at Mr. Garret who in turn motioned his hand to begin. His hand burned red with rage as his hand quickly turned into flames he watched it grow, forming into a ball he rolled it around him and snapped it back creating a puff of smoke. "Well done Kyle" his compliment made Kyle smile but not for long. "Ethan Lynch?" A blonde yet it was a boy, his bright blue eyes made my stomach vibrate like I was being tickled in some way. "Please" again waving his hand behind his husky guards. "Alright" his calm and casual voice made me think of how safe his ability could be. Like the other guy he held his hand out but before I could even blink he had a candlestick was in his hand still lit, flicking his fingers up the candlestick rose and floated behind him onto the table to my left. "Good work Ethan" as Ethan stepped away I could see something in his eyes, was he looking at me? Or just trying to read the ability he thought I had?

"Penelope St. George?" Now I could fully feel the fear but it could be because she was squashing my fingers together trying to express her fear with silence. I didn't know what to do. So I pushed her forward. And she dragged me with her. "I'm sorry Mr. Garret but to perform my ability I need someone" she bows her head as if she was committing a crime. "No worries-" still with the stretched grin, I don't know how he does it. "She can go next" finishing his sentence I turn my head to Penelope giving her the deadliest glare I could give. She apologized with her eyes. Retrieving her hand from behind her back the blue light appeared again, closing her eyes I couldn't feel the information leaving me only the information being read.

Finally closing her hand showing the beam of light push through her fingers she has her eyes meet Mr. Garret's and then mine. I nod. "You were born in Portland, Maine, you think your mother and father despise you for your curse although you had choice" her voice died down while everyone else was silent Mr. Garret stood there. "Is that correct?" His face now directed toward me I nod again and he still hasn't wiped off the grin. "Good job Penelope" Penelope was now in the front with the rest of the victims. Great. "What is your name?" Mr. Garret questions, I freeze up trying to gain the strength to open my journal but I fear if I do they will be angry. Flipping it open I begin to write with trembling hands but I hear no words no objections just two men ripping it from my hands and throwing it behind me.

"Guys-" before Mr. Garret can interrupt a man with coffee brown hair whispers in his ear and Mr. Garret walks away while the other one replaces his spot. "What is your name?" His voice was familiar, but even if I could talk I would refuse to respond to him. "Tell us-" I didn't think, it was in all honesty instinct. Elbowing the man to my right in the chin I punch the one to my left square in the face, spinning to my right again I kick him through his legs and to the groin and finally turning to my left again I swing my left arm and smack him in the throat. Collapsing to the wooden floors I grab his arm and bend it, now the itch to say something wasn't an itch it was a burn. A burn so hot that I opening my mouth to speak and held in some air. I'm going to do it. "Wait!" A guy's voice was yelped from the crowd. Letting go of the guard I turn around to see Ethan holding my journal open moving his eyes from the words on the page to me then to the man who temporarily replaced Mr. Garret.

"She's a mute...her name is Alice Walton" his words made me feel weak. "What happened?" Mr. Garret had a pool of worry in his mouth and it was flowing out. "She attacked your men!" The brown haired man pointed at me. "She's a mute! What was she supposed to do? Just sit there and answer your continued questions?" Ethan was now next to me still caressing my journal. " fighting....Ms. Walton would you please come with me? And Mr. Howe would you please join us?" His words were still calm, his smile was gone now. I nod but before I could I turned to Ethan he was looking at me, now with my journal and pen in my hands he smiles and I smile back. Towards Mr. Garret I feel my smile fade as I remember I couldn't talk if I wanted. I'm the one everyone should be afraid of, Mr. Garret said 'you can use your gift for the greater good' but what if my gift is a curse and what if this curse is used for the worst of the evil?

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