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"Is everything packed and ready?" Father asks and I nod pushing my books into my satchel, I look at my reflection in the body sized mirror. The uniform looks silly on me.........but father said this school is the best for me.

"The limo is here" he rushes down the stairs and I put my two of three journals in my mini hemp bag and rush downstairs, with my journal and pen in my arms I wave my mother goodbye. "Goodbye Darling" she shuffles her fingers into a wave and I run out the door. The chauffeur walks into the house and grabs my bags, I walk down the steps and look up at the house. I've lived here so long and now I'm going to an academy.

"Now Alice when we get there don't talk to anyone and I mean you understand?" Father asks and I nod in sadness. The limo drives smoothly down the twisted path as I stare down at my journal I feel my chest cave in. I wish there was a specific way to be normal, as if it was invented and I could buy it at a store that sold technology for one hundred dollars. But sadly no. Mankind is too selfish, gnawing at the innocence and weakness of their own kind. Just to help themselves. I could feel the urge to talk clawing through my chest, up into my throat and settling in my mouth to talk would be blissful.

"Trust me Alice you will enjoy this school" the driver speaks up from the heavy silence that weighed through the air. "It has got great teachers, amazing students, and you will be safe there....I know you can't respond but I feel if you could you would say something like 'Well Charlie my parents don't care enough about my safety all they care about is other lives and themselves' while that may be true I think your parents do care I mean they are sending you to an academy so you can feel free from the house" Charlie's words sent spikes through my stomach, he may be right but that still doesn't dismiss my feelings towards my parents. Charlie understood me better than anybody other than Samantha but she left for reasons I can't let myself remember.

"Everything will be alright darling I promise by the first day you will like it...and if you don't I'll let you wear my hat" his English accent rose in each word as he tipped his hat I grin while nodding. He has to be my best friend, Charlie has been there for me since the incident occurred unlike my parents who only cared about keeping things under control. Although it's a cliché to have a wise English driver I still love Charlie, nothing in this world would bring me to hate him. "We've got about another hour or two to get there you may want to catch a few snoozes before we get there" Charlie suggests as he turns on my favorite station I lay my head down and listen to not just the song Polaroid by Imagine Dragons but to the hum of the car, the rhythmic vibrations of the limousine was cradling me between the comfortable seats as I slither into a heavy sleep I could hear the distant memory following me like it does every time I close my eyes.

* 2 Hours Later *

"Alice!" I could hear Samantha's horrified shrieks. "Get away from me! You monster!" I could see only darkness, but I could hear everything which only painted the image perfectly in the walls of my head. "Alice.." Charlie's hands shook me as I spring up from my position as I let out a large gasp I realize I am in his arms. "It's alright won't have to deal with any of that here" His calming voice made the fear subside, he knew about my nightmares and he knew how to help.

"I'll help you with you're bags and get you to your room" as I rise out into the clouded sky I shake my head while following him to the trunk. "Yes I will because I want to know you will be safe" he smiles showing his perfectly snowed teeth, as he grabs my things I snatch my purse before his glove covered hands can reach. "Don't forget your journal sweetie you can't show off those smarts without it" Charlie reaches into the back of the limo and hands me my light brown leather journal, laying it between my arm and side I walk with Charlie who has already locked the car and is now rolling my two suitcases.

I could feel the eyes of parents and their kids on Charlie and I, it felt like ice was quickly melting onto us and it heated up melting our skin. "Don't pay attention to them they are just as scared you are" Charlie whispers as we continue to walk towards the large entrance of the school all I could think of was the uniform. It was so stupid to wear, it felt like soft cotton cuddling over my body, but it was still stupid. "Good morning you will be going to the girls dorm to the left of the school" woman wearing all black seemed to let off a cheery ring in her voice, Charlie tipped his hat thanks then we walked through the stoned pathway outline by short bushes. Finally making it to the door we both enter and are amazed by the shined floors that had a mirror like effect, watching the many girls sort out their dorms and crowd into elevators I stand there with Charlie gazing out to the patio which had stairs leading to the garden full of beauty and gorgeous flowers that were being hit just right by the suns warmth.

"Excuse me miss" Charlie speaks up from the silence breaking me from my trance. "Yes. How can I help you?" A woman with thin black hair was swept away from the black glasses which crystalized her florescent blue eyes. "I was wondering where her room is?" He grins but the woman doesn't share the happiness. Turning to me now she smiles. "What's your name dear?" Asking a simple question that I can't answer I turn to Charlie. "Her name is Alice Walton-" "I believe she can speak for herself" another woman speaks up her cardboard colored hair was dragged into a bun while her eyes were as green as mine. Just dark. Her brown jacket almost covered her ruffled white tank top but it didn't cover the white pants. "I'm Heidi Sawyer the headmistress of the girls dorm" she introduces herself without shaking anyones hands.

"Now what's your name?" "Alice Walton..-" Charlie interrupts her as he turns his head to me I nod giving him permission to speak for me. "She is a mute- Henry Walton may have spoken on the phone with you about her?" The rude glares disappeared once Charlie finished the woman with black hair took my hand and shook. "I'm Ms. Terrain but you can call me Marie" the corner of her lips were curled as I grin back Ms. Sawyer still has some shock on her face. "I apologize deeply Mr.?-" "Oh just call me Charlie I am her butler but friend for all purposes" seeing him protect me like that warmed my heart. "You're room is number 246 just up the elevator" Marie pointed to her right as I bob my head I grab a suitcase and Charlie follows with the other.

Once up on the second floor I feel fear grip me, I'm not used to sharing a room with someone other than Samantha. Reaching the room I knock the numbers 246 stare at me from the side of the door, swinging open a girl with gingered hair and bright brown eyes shows passion and glee. "Are you my roommate?" She cheers. "Yes...but before anything I would like you to know that she is mute..she communicates through journals" Charlie points out as the girl never loses her smile she pulls me into the room. "That's awesome!" I land on the bed which was decorated with a red comforter with a white pillow. "I've never known a mute before" she giggles. "I'm Penelope" she introduces herself as Charlie walks past her with my suitcases I couldn't rip the smile off my face to show the fear. "You'll do just fine here" he reassures me of my place in the academy as I stand back up and embrace him in a hug I feel comforted.

"Goodbye love, till Christmas" he hands me a slick black pen with a clear cylinder of glass at the top. Before he could leave I scribble onto my hand "Thank you." And show him the message. "My pleasure" with one last grin he leaves the room out of my sight. I don't know how I will get through the school year without Charlie.

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