Episode 1 - Cabin Fever!

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"Turn the camera on dipshit!"

"It is on fucking idiot!"


"Ahem. Were hitting you up from the outskirts of Goinky! On this tropical island, soon to be population of 22 unsuspecting teen. Im Jar, and this is my co-host Acorn!" The jar finished speaking as he motioned the camera to turn to Acorn.

"As Jar said, we have invited 22 teens from around the world to come and compete in a grueling outdoor competitions. They will have to face each other in games to test your mind. While also fighting for the prize of 500,000 dollars!" Acorn smiled as the camera panned back to the Jar.

"Before we introduce the contestants, Id like for officially welcome you to TOTAL. OBJECT. ISLANNNNNNNND!"

*cue intro that theres no way in hell Im gonna animate*

"Welcome back to Total Object Island. As you can see there is a large boat approaching with our 22 contestants. Will they be friends? Enemies? Lovers? Thats for us to know and you to find out! Looks like our first contestant is approaching."

The camera panned to A lightbulb jumping off the boat.

"Yippe! That was totally radical. Oh my god! Jar my man....woman.....jar-thing? Nice to see you again!" The Lightbulb laughed as she wrapped her arms around Jar.

Jar nervously laughed. "I have never seen you before....but anyways introducing Lightbulb!"

The next contestant floated off of the ship.

"Oh noyo...so moiny dangerous thoings here..."

"Here we have Bubble! Our resident glass bottle. Remember that in the contract we aren't responsible for any injuries or death..." Jar said.

Bubble nervously laughed.

"I wasnt joking. ANYWAYS next we have Pickle! All he put in his form was that he plays video games....so I guess hes our Gamer nerd!" Jar introduced as Pickle walked off the boat.

"Im not a nerd, I just appreciate good fiction." Pickled mumbled.

Jar rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah NERD. Next we have Blocky, finally a interesting person. Hes know for his Objecttube channel, "B.F.D.I.!" Where he does very funny pranks."

Blocky smiled. "I cant wait to test out some new content while Im here!" He evily laughed.

Jar smiled. "Please do!" He laughed. "Next we have what seems to be people whove already made friends onboard. Lets give it up for Match and Pencil! Both social media upcoming icons."

The two girls walked past Jar ignoring him to walk and talk on their phones.

Jar groaned. "Uh uh! These arent allowed!" Jar smiled as he snatched the phones, took out the memory cards and threw the phones in the ocean.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Pencil screamed.

"LIKE WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Match screeched .

"Dont blame me, you signed the contract!" Jar laughed.

"Uhhhh, hello?" A piece of Dough made everyone on the dock jump as nobody noticed him get off the ship.

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