Episode 2 - Disaster in the Kitchen!

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"Last time on Total Object Island!"

"22 Unsuspecting drama filled teams entered to win a gigantic prize of cash.

As they arrived here on this island one by one, they endured first a swimming contest to decide captains.

Pen, the inkville swimming champion easily won first.

And Blocky, the evil prankster commited just a few possibly illigal acts, landing him not pnly a captain spot, but first pick.

After the teams were picked they both had to go find the cabins, which they were told were in the woods.  This couldnt be more wrong as they were actually back near the cafeteria.

In the end, Paper cause his teams defeat but dropping their key, leaving Pencil to find it.

In the elimination, although Paper tried to lie about Pencil being the one who ultimately cost them the challenge, but in the end it was Paper who was left to be voted out.

Now, watch as we put our contestants into a even harder challenge, cooking! Youll only see stuff like this here! On TOTAL.



"Like no fucking way am I eating this horse shit." Match blankly stated as she started down at the 'breakfast'.

"I dont care brat." Acorn groaned.

Match sighed as picked up the tray and sat down with Pencil, Ice cube and Book.

"This is like, so annoying already." Pencil groaned. "I miss my phone!"

"Usually Im all for bonding and stuff...but not when my team is borderline crazy." Book sheepishly laughed.

Ice cube nodded. "Especially those two idiots Gelatin and Cheesy. They are soooo annoying! I wish we could vote them out right now."

Match smirked. "Why cant we?"

The group turned to her. Pencil smiled.


"Match is like, so smart and devious. Maybe thats what I like about her."


"And then Cheesy tried to slap his knee, and Gelly boy pushed him in the lake!" Lightbulb barley finished his sentence before she bursted out laughing.

Paintbrush gave a slight smirk.

"It seems like whenever your around you guys end guys end up getting up to no good." They chuckled.

Lightbulb smiled. "Im like a fun charm! Yknow, like goodluck but turn it around and make it fun?"

Paintbrushes smile turned upside down at the horrible joke.

"Oj! Dont you think im beautiful?" Salt asked while batting her eyelashes.

Oj despairingly sighed, laying his face on the table.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2023 ⏰

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