Psycho P.1

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Everywhere. Whitehill soldiers were everywhere. Gared killed that Whitehill soldier and now they are everywhere in your walls. Ethan had delivered the punishment to Gared robbing Lord Whitehill of his revenge. And now he was on his way here with Ramsay Snow, the bastard son of the warden of the north. The Starks would have never let this happen. But after the betrayal of the king in the north at that bloody wedding, Roose Bolton was named in charge. Ramsay has a history and reputation that everyone was deathly afraid of. This is not going to end well. You thought to yourself. Ethan was far to young to be thrust into the role of Lord but without your two older brothers around there was no choice.

"The Boltons are at the gate" one of our soldiers announced.

Ethan and his sentinel Ser Royland, stood at the front of the room looking as brave as they possibly could. Duncan was no where to be found. He must have still had hard feelings about not being chosen as Sentinel. Still even so this wasn't the time to be acting like a bloody child. Standing beside your mother, younger sister, and younger brother, you tried your hardest to put on a brave face.

The heavy iron wood doors swung open and in they walked like they were completely welcomed guests. Lord Whitehall, or Ludd as we disrespectfully called him, and Ramsay walked side by side accompanied by some Whitehill and Bolton guards. As hard as it was to admit, Ramsay was a very handsome man. He wore elegant black clothing and a warm smile that you would have thought friendly had you not known his reputation. His dark as night hair was a bit messy and he was cleanly shaven. You found yourself staring and looked away quickly not wanting to attract unwanted attention to yourself.

"May I introduce Lord Ramsay of House Bolton, son of Roose Bolton." Ludd announced "Although a bastard, Lord Ramsay has the full authority of the Waren of the..."

He was cut off be Ramsay "Thank you, Ludd. That's enough" he said with annoyance in his tone.

Wanting to chuckle at how freely Ramsay called him "Ludd" you managed to compose yourself and not break your serious exterior.

You watched on as Ludd and Ethan went head-to-head trying to tell their side of the story when Gared killed the Whitehill soldier. Ramsay offered multiple suggestions that neither Lord would agree to. Suddenly Ramsay looked in the direction of your family.

"More Forresters." Ramsay announced with excitement in his voice.

Ryon hid behind mother but Ramsay quickly called for him to come out. Standing completely exposed Ramsay admired the family one by one before stopping on you.

"My..aren't you a pretty one" he said in a gentle tone that almost made the hairs on your arms stand. He made his way toward you causing Ethan to rush to your side.

"Lord Ramsay, we have much to discuss!" Ethan urged but Ramsay was so focused on you he must not have heard him..or just ignored him.

"How would you like to be my new high born ward?" he suggested taking you by the arm. His grip was firm but not enough to actually hurt you. Panic surrounded your family as they tried to reason with Ramsay to let you stay. He had an evil look his eye as he turned to Ethan.

"If you want a hostage take me instead!" he yelled out. Ramsay was about to answer him before you finally spoke up.

"No. I'll go. Ethan, you have to stay here." you pressured him. He was the Lord of this house and needed to be here to lead the people. Ramsay looked pleased at the situation.

"So it's settled then" he announced in an overly happy voice. "You will come to Winterfell and be my ward" He turned on his heel and began to walk out of the hall bringing you with him. You could hear your mother and sister screaming in the background but couldn't make out what they were saying due to all of the commotion already.

Whitehill men were staying in your walls while you were leaving. The stories you heard about Ramsay would send the bravest man running for his mother and if you wanted to make it out alive and help your family you were going to have to play his game. A game you desperately hoped you would be good at.

~~~To be continued~~~

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