0.3 - First Day At Crystal Cove High, Part 2 (slight edit)

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Previously on the Destroyer's Successor:

Just then, the bell rings, signaling we have about five minutes to get to class. Brenda, Mia, and Cheryl head towards Prof. Raffalo's classroom, while I just simply stare at the locker and close it for now. Looking at Brad Chiles' stuff can wait..

..for now.

So far, though.. this first day at Crystal Cove High School was anything but the way I had expected it would go.

Xavier's POV

Walking into the classroom, I find myself surprised when I catch sight of Daphne in the classroom, along with Scooby Doo - this place allows talking dogs in the classroom, are you seriously kidding me?! - and three other teens that must be her friends.

Of course, I think to myself. As if being in a science class with three already hot girls wasn't enough.

Daphne notices me and waves me over, leading to me having to sit down next to her with Brenda and Cheryl to my left and Mia a couple seats behind Scooby Doo.

"Nice to see you again, Xavier.." Daphne says, causing her other friends to glance in my direction.

"So this is the transfer boy I heard talking to Daphne back in the police station.." says one of her friends, a brunette girl wearing orange clothing and also wearing glasses. She holds out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Velma Dinkley. Nice to meet you Xavier."

I shake her hand

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I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you too, Velma.. and also nice to see you here too Scooby Doo.." I reply, gently petting Scooby's head after shaking Velma's hand, with Scooby really enjoying the pets, much to the annoyance of the guy sitting next to Scooby.

I turn to him, frowning hard. "Is there a problem here?" I ask him.

He jumps, a little scared, and dives into his green shirt. "No.. like no problem at all here, man.." he replies, shaking a bit. Scooby puts his paws around him, trying to calm him down. "It's okay Shaggy.." Scooby says. "Xavier didn't mean to frighten you."

Shaggy's head pops back out above the top of his shirt. "Right.. uh, sorry.." he says, shyly waving before Velma speaks up.

"Enter Shaggy Rogers, a man with a stomach so big.." she says. "..that despite his skinny size, not even an all you can eat buffet can satisfy him and his dog."


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