Something I Would Like to Talk About But I Always forgot To...

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For people asking if it's Jon if ever I will write a ship between Adrien and a dc character. I have to disappoint you guys with that one. I won't and will never do bl or gl. Even in my future original works.

Some people in my past actually bullied/cyber bullied me because I don't ship any bl or gl (Don't worry they're already blocked and three of them got suspended in our school and the leader was expelled) If you don't like me or even despise me for that, go ahead and unfollow me, I don't care.

Anyway, what happened before was that I'm a bit popular in school because of my achievements and my older siblings. Some people in the school learned I read manga and watch anime (at those times anime is not widely accepted in our school) They asked me for any yuri anime recommendations which I answered them honestly that I don't watch yuri and then asked me "how about yaoi?" I answered that I also don't watch Yaoi.

After that they try to spread rumors about me how I'm a liar and never being true to my gender (one of their reasons was I never had a bf and the reason for that is that I'm actually into girls)

(I was like in my head "excuse me?" I chose not to have a boyfriend because 1. I was still moving on from my long time crush at that time 2. Falling for real life boys hurt so much more than falling for fictional characters 3. I still want to do my church duties and 4. I'm still young.) Also another rumor they spread about me was that I just won't admit that "I watch yuri or yaoi" and then continuously harass me online sending death threats and such.

I then get every evidence I could get along with other students they bullied for the same reason or the students they tried to convert their gender but failed which is a lot. I then sent it to the guidance and requested to investigate but never say where they got the lead. I'm actually just glad that none of them were my classmates.

So now, you may have ship headcanons for my characters in my upcoming original books but it will never be canon. It may sound homophobic but for my gay or lgbtq+ friends (that I'm glad I have. They were the ones to protect me from those bullies) said it's not because if I'm actually homophobic I won't be friends with them(they're so sweet actually) and that it's just a matter of principles and that they respect and understand that because it's a sign of self-respect for me stick with my principles and that my principles doesn't hurt them one bit.

Again I'll alpogize if what you expect or want did not happen in any of my books.

If you ask if there will be any LGBTQ+ characters in my book...Yes there will be (although it might be just gay, lesbian, or bi because honestly those are the only ones I actually understand the meaning😅.) They would be either just the teaser friend or a fan of a character but they will never have a relationship partner with the same sex. It's really against on my principles. I hope you respect or even just understand what I want to stick by. Same with NSFW writing/drawing stuff. I'm far to conservative for that and I want to make my contents family friendly so everyone or anyone can read/watch my works/contents.

Thank you so much for reading this although it may sound like another ranting from me😅.

Now for my announcement, the actual chapter will be published next week because I'm really busy and my schedule has gone haywire so I need to fix it again. But my streams on twitch are already fixed unless I get real sick or something happened that I need to do first. It's always important to set your priorities straight.

Also since my Birthday is getting near once again, I'll be celebrating it on stream for 2 days One will be the count down and the other one is the actual celebration. I'll be having a Q&A there August 25 @ 9pm so if you have questions just leave it here in the comments or go to my X(former twitter 😂) and use #AskStellarQuestions tag so I would add it on the list. Fair WARNING though please know what questions are NOT allowed to ask a vtuber.

For more info on what I've been doing, just follow me on X if you want.

X: Stellar_Araknid

That's it for now.

Like always,
Don't forget to stay safe and stay tuned.

Ja ne!

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